Metamask is an essential tool for defi

Defi requires a defi friendly wallet

  • Metamask has been used pretty heavily in the crypto community, 30 million users proves this.
    When it comes to defi the ability to partition your wallet and hold your tokens from multiple blockchain ecosystems is invaluable.
  • Metamask allows you to hold ether tokens, binance smart chain tokens, polygon tokens and avalanche tokens. This is huge for crypto investors seeking the best return, and increases our ability to invest in a decentralized fashion where our tokens are still under the control of us theough our keys.
  • I strongly suggest people becaome fluent in the use of metamask, especially now that it has more cash onramps, more bridges and also allows snaps so you can hold BItcoin.
  • It's pretty valuable to bridge using vetted bridges and trade in a decentralized fashion.
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