Stop lagging.


It is a common thing in the present world where people complain about a situation and continue doing the same things that make matters worse and a perfect example is the one happening in my country Nigeria because we complain about bad governance every time but we are the one that keeps recycling bad people into office. I know some people might argue against this that the election was rigged but the majority of the people still voted for these tyrants we call the government and I won’t be surprised if they are reelected again into the office. We all know the outcome will be bad but we do it anyway.

The same thing goes for finance, health, and so on, people complain about where they should have done better and if they had made better decisions they would have been in their present situation. It is funny how somebody who gets so fat is complaining about their looks where they could have done better in the first place, everything doesn’t happen overnight and what we are complaining over right now is the result of our constant choices. Our outcomes are a lagging measure of our habits. The constant mistake we normally make is thinking we can get away with everything not until we get the result for our lagging.

Keep it up

If you look at people who complain about their health closely, you realize that they are lagging in some aspect and this is what is making their status bad and same thing goes for Finance if you look at those that been working for so many years without being able to show anything for it it is simply because they are lagging and this is why they keep getting the same results. What baffles me is how people complain about all of these things and they keep doing things that make it worse. You complain about your finances and your financial habits are terrible and sometimes it’s not as if we don’t know we just keep doing the same thing and expecting different results which is crazy.

We must address where we are lagging and focus mainly on changing, we can have a different result and to do that we must find a better approach so that our outcome will be different. complaining will not change anything and will only make matters worse, just like in Africa where they vote for the bad government and expect their country to change and things don’t work like that. We must have a different approach and to achieve this we must face the problem from the root which is to change our habits, we must focus on the little things that matter, and without this change even though we keep complaining about our situation nothing will happen and we will keep suffering.

It is up to you

Your habit will determine your outcome, and no matter how much you complain It will not change anything. It is always better to start doing the work now and be consistent with it. Anytime you are trying to change something you must put in the work and complaining will only make things worse because you won’t be able to do anything and taking reaction we always give better results.

Thanks for your time.

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