Habit: ease on it


The primary reason people worry so much is because they focus on big things. I don't blame anyone for striving for big accomplishments, such as landing their dream job, buying their dream car, or obtaining the exact amount needed to start a business. I faced similar challenges at the beginning of my life and struggled with many things. Later on, I learned that in everything you try to do, you must take it easy to be consistent and avoid overwhelming yourself with stress and other related pressures. This is something I lacked as a teenager.

Focusing solely on getting results without following a process puts a lot of pressure on us and often demotivates us. The reason for this is that it feels impossible to accomplish anything and seems unattainable. Some people attempt to go straight for the result but struggle to adapt to the sudden change because they are not accustomed to the new environment, lifestyle, and routine. It might be too demanding to expect immediate results from ourselves, but if we were to take a different approach and ease into the changes, it could be more manageable. Many people dive in and then quickly give up because their focus is misplaced.

Take it on yourself

No matter what the change might be, we must always plan to ease ourselves in. Whether it is changing bad habits, our diet, or our lifestyle, it's important to take things slowly. Sometimes we don't fully understand the consequences of diving in all at once. This applies to various aspects of life, such as business, health, and personal growth. When making an investment or starting a new business, it's crucial to ease into it so that we know what to expect. This same principle applies to health. For example, I have a friend who switched to a carnivore diet without easing into it, and a few weeks later, he ended up in the hospital due to oxalate dumping.

Taking things slowly will allow you to adjust to the new changes. Even if issues arise, they won't all happen at once, giving you time to address them. It's similar to shedding layers of clothing - doing it gradually makes it easier, whereas trying to do it all at once can make it impossible. The best way to ease into changes is by altering your daily activities.

Build the foundation well.

One effective way to ease into new habits is to incorporate them into your daily routine. By making something a daily practice, you can steadily improve at it. Breaking down our goals into smaller, manageable tasks and working on them every day will help us progress gradually and prepare us for the future. It's essential to focus on developing a process that fits into our daily routine rather than fixating on the end result or attempting to do everything all at once, as this approach won't lead us anywhere, it will only worry us and we will not develop or make any improvement and even get worst if care is not taken.

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