Whether Bear Or Bull Crypto Assets Will Be Just That An Asset!!!

People shun away from the fact and are not understanding that cryptocurrency is an asset, and not one to be taken lightly. With Cryptocurrency being at the forefront of technology it's no wonder why the smart investors are making so much with the mindset that Bitcoin and Altcoins have value no matter what the market does. Some will say that cryptocurrency will change the world of finance and others say Crypto will not make it anywhere it's just a bubble. I value cryptocurrency as a new medium for exchange that's relevant and works to the best of it abilities (and it's abilities are endless due to block-chain). If you wonder and ponder you'll come to the conclusion that this technology is a common sense game changer. And for those who don't understand Block-Chain please educate yourself and see where the wealth shift is going. Similar to a bank or government you mint coins (code) for the future value, what it takes to do it well that's another subject. Just remember that Cryptocurrency is decentralized and is traded for real dollars. I am only mentioning this to the new users who have done their due diligence and have taken on the Hive and Leo blogging process. Anyways I hope you got a good read out of this and see where I'm coming from, the future is here let's embrace it. @durianwalker.

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