The Love Of Bitcoin Shall Breakthrough The Hearts Of The Non-Believers!!

Sounds crazy right "the love of Bitcoin" but hey what an excellent way to start a conversation. Tell me, if you had Bitcoin right now and purchased your Bitcoin years ago for $2.00 a coin? how would the price today make you feel.... silence? gather your thoughts now and wonder "man he's right!!". Sounds crazy but it's true money aint everything in life and they say it can't buy you happiness (yeah right!!) but what it can buy you is an extra sense of security knowing the rest of your life you would never have to beg for a meal and you could provide for your family.

On another note though what if you grew up in a third world country and you invested in a computer with not the best service provider. But you managed to squeeze every little bit of your internet connection to mine this crazy thing they called digital currency, and you knew deep down inside you were on to something new and great. This is actually what is happening right now as we speak and this is not the end of this trend.

There are what thousands of alt-coin's being traded on crypto exchanges worldwide? and it's not seeming to stop, and all these alt-coin are like companies issuing shares to it's valued investors and minters. This technological event is called a paradigm shift that makes or breaks like the Dot-Com bubble except from my point of view it's not a bubble it's a revolution. Some may say that Satoshi Nakamoto will be the head of this massive wave that changed the world like Bill Gates, Steve Wozniack, and Steve Jobs.

As these are just my views I may not be far off when it comes to understanding that this Bitcoin phase really did make a difference in my life and yours. Please comment and leave me with your beliefs about this subject. Peace @durianwalker

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