How does LeoFinance position itself in the falling market?

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Hi! guys, from the @Leofinance community, welcome to another review on the @dreloop07 blog, It's not news to anyone, that with the market trading down, crypto assets, stock exchange, almost all forms of variable investments are suffering from the market in winter. Leaving many pessimists about the future, worried about the diversification of their investments and their respective values ​​in these moments of crisis.

As at these times most seek to focus on prices and values ​​in the market at the moment, the focus of the leofinance team is value and long-term growth and of course with an eye on the metrics of their platform.

The bull market is where almost everyone wants to buy and we see our portfolios reaching surreal levels in dollars. bear market is where to focus on accumulating assets that have solid value and add some value to the community a mission worth investing in, so this proposal from leofinance is an idea embraced by me, I want to accumulate the LEO token as much as possible and I'm sure that I believe LeoFinance will stand out more when the focus goes back to technology and fundamental growth even with the bear market.

as a community we need to strengthen ourselves and refocus on our funnel. Focus on onboarding new users and bringing them into the LeoFinance Web3 Ecosystem through our community.


There are some important steps for this:

  • Get traffic
  • Have easy account creation
  • Give people a reason to stay

Aspects like these are leo's direction at the moment, thinking about a better user experience in the LeoFinance frontend by segmenting and better organizing the content. How the new version of Community Pages takes content feeds to the next level. even more so by interacting with Lightning to create the best content ranking algorithm on the entire Hive blockchain, what a cool thing.

Now that the market is down, it's time to focus our forces on fundamental growth has never been more important. analyze key growth metrics every week and seek to understand metrics to pursue the growth path. I hope you've enjoyed this review, let's grow, come and join this Leofinance @Leo.voter community that gets stronger and stronger on the hive blockchain.

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