December 17th 2020 - HIVE Reality Check

Screenshot_20201217 Hive HIVE price, marketcap, chart, and info CoinGecko.png

While it is understandable why many people in crpyto are euphoric right now, with Bitcoin smashing through 20000 US$ barrier and continuing its parabolic rise, mental hygiene demands that we take a deep breath and look at situation from more bearish perspective. And that bearish perspective is the much easier to be reached if we look the cryptocurrency this very platform was built.

Needless to say, despite its triumphant launch and many achievements of its developers in past few months, HIVE was disappointment, at least compared with other cryptocurrencies. And that disappointment continues to this day, making it even more depressing when HIVE is compared with Bitcoin on this day. While Bitcoin soared upwards, leading almost any other altcoin with it, HIVE barely moved at all and its price remains under 13 cents.

While there are many reasons and many credible explanations for this sad state of affairs, anyone involved in HIVE blockchain would, sooner or later, face the realisation that this cryptocurrency doesn't deliver goods in form of palpable financial gains, at least not in the short term. At best, it might serve as some of sort of stablecoin, with authors' and curating rewards being instantly withdrawn and converted into something more useful.

The only silver lining at this point appears to be in the form of Hive Engine tokens, with some of them making impressive gains over time, with LEO being the absolute winner, as well as tokens for surprisingly successful crypto games like dCity. HIVE, at this point, should be seen as easily dispensable fuel rather than precious commodity or store of value.

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