About ME

My friends call me Ray.

My full name is Raymund Pang and I was born in Malaysia, a country once known to be the tiger of Asia in the late 90's. However this is in the past as other neighbouring country have surpass it in economic growth.

One of the spectacular event in the year I was born was Neil Amstrong historical first step on the moon. The quote " Thats one step for man , one giant leap for mankind."

The year was 1969, a year of breakthrough for the unbelievable to reality. It was less than a decade , President John F.Kennedy gave an audacious vision for the scientist, engineers and ordinary folks of a dream to conquer the round moon in the sky.

So, when ever I feel down from an uninspiring day , I would think back I was born in the year where the impossible became possible.

Today, I have cross the mid century mark and I hope there are many more to go. As a child I have always been a introvert, keeping to myself. I do not think highly of myself as my body was way from being a good sportsman. I often looked at my skinny frame body as a shortcoming and unattractive.

Though out my growing years , I've spend a lot of my attention on personal growth. I wanted to be more, do more and have more.

I was determine to proof to myself that I was worthy to the better things in life but my nagging little voice need to be appeased constantly.

Have you had that experience that the major obstacle to your success could be you yourself? The subtle little voice whispering negative suggestion of your inadequacy.

After a satisfying career change from working in oil and gas , managing insurance agency and selling luxury cars to exclusive people, I think I have achieve what I set out at the onset of my journey.

Today, I retired at age 50 and hope to explore the world. This dream came crashing down during the Covid 19 pandemic.

At first ,most of us thought that this was just like the AIDS, SARS virus, mad cow disease and similar infectious disease. Happen in other country but would not have a major impact at home. Boy !!! were we wrong.

But as the weeks goes by, news begin to emerge of people hospitalised and dying from the infection. The businesses was force to shut down , Social distancing and mask wearing was compulsory.

Coincidentally , the year 2020 , saw a major shuffling of the political support and a force change of Prime minister. Later the incumbent PM used the Covid 19 excuse to apply the Emergency Order to the country. Thus he manage to stay in power as Parliament is not allowed to convene.

The newly appointed ministers were clueless as this was a pandemic that has plunged the whole country economy into a doldrum of uncertainty. This was worst than the 1997 financial crises.

As business closes and jobs security melted away, people began to worry about the future. Unlike before, even though you hated your job but at least you have a job to go to and earn an income to support yourself and your family.

Today the scenario is completely whacked.

As a retiree myself, I was prepared to weather though this storm but somehow I need to find ways to create some active income .

Originally I plan to go into training an educating people, which meant travelling and forming new partnership with people. It was a new field for me but it was something I was passionate about.

I recall again the year I was born, the year from impossible to possible and I believe with tenacity, new doors of opportunity will reveal itself.

The reason I join this platform is to share what I know and also at the same time learn from you about your experience and journey. It is only through sharing can we grow.

Let the journey begin.

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