Speed - The New Reality

In the ancient times, it took very long time for messages to be past between people. It took long time for people to transport themselves from one place to another. Without the invention of aeroplane, in took months to cross large areas of water using ships. Things were done at a very slow pace back then.


But in this era and time, that you and I have found ourselves, speed is the order of the day. Nothing counts for much, if it's not done fast nowadays. You could actually be very incredible at something, but if there's another person of almost the same skill as you, but has more speed on his/her side, before long you'll be pushed out of market.

That's just the new reality. Everything has gone technological. I'll say that I'm really sorry for the person, who doesn't want to catch up with the fast pace of the world right now. Such a person will definitely be left behind. The world is in fact moving so fast, that your knowledge of 3-6 months ago may be obsolete today already.

You have to be constantly updating yourself and your core skills. Now more than ever, information is power. This fast pace of the world has great negative impact on people, and we see it in increased cases of depression and mental stress. Now more than ever, you have to work hard to keep your mind in good condition.


Almost everyone is struggling with so many things that you have to get done. It's a time when multitasking has become the order of the day. And if you can't multitask, then you must be able for focus completely on each task and get them done one after the other. Uneasy I must say, your mental strength has to be built, and made stronger.

One very powerful way you can increase your mental strength is by meditating every day. No matter how busy your day is going, steal some minutes for yourself. Close your eyes and meditate. Stay calm and monitor your breathing. Considering how fast the world is going, if you don't make time for yourself, to slow it down a bit, you might actually crash. So meditation is a powerful way to slow down your heart rate and just cool things down for a while. After you're through meditating, you'll find your inner strength is made stronger and so will be your mental strength.

Thanks for taking time to read!


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