Bloodbath in Cryptoverse: What is next?

What's up people? Hope you are having a good day. I'm here with another chapter of my life where I'm going to talk about something different. No casual talking, no emotional words, no funny jokes, no moral stories or motivational speeches. Today we will face the facts that the world is having now. We need to understand the situation going on around us. We need to understand the world that it will be changing soon. Now it depends on us on which part we will be standing in the end, the part of winning side or the part of loss. It feels like the world is not dealing with some happy frequencies. Almighty knows better on which way we are heading. Let's discuss about it.


The falling of cryptoverse is in alarming state. I mean seriously, what is happening around! The whole market crashed like that way, like Thanos snapped for it. Bitcoin fell down to 15% as per I followed. We all know that other crypto-currencies are highly dependent on it. For this down market, other crypto-currencies including our beloved BCH got down too. Many of us are now thinking about it in a different ways. Some are thinking to sell as they think that hodling them will not bring back what they are losing now. Their capital is way too low. On the other hand, some people are deciding to invest in it. They have the savings and eager to buy cryptos at this stage. If you personally ask me, I would say that it is not a bad idea.



Now the question is why the fall has been started? What happened to the market? Why it started showing the red signal? Let me clear one thing at first. I'm not a crypto expert. I am just a common guy who just listen up everything and judge it by myself. Top of all, I had never talked about or write about cryptocurrency in the past. Have you seen that? No dear. So, the first thing which I understand why the verse fall is the government issuing ban on private cryptos. Those who don’t know about it may search online for details. Well in crypto transactions, there is blockchain transaction which is transparent. You can see your all previous transactions here. Nothing is hidden from anyone. Fair enough, right? This is public cryptos. Those cryptos who don’t follow this rule and secure the transactions details are known as private cryptos. Now, different countries are stating that private cryptos transactions will be the reason of rise of anarchy as people will deal bad things like selling arms, drug dealing or other illegal things through it. Even Russia is warning the facts about it in spite of invading Ukraine. They are stating that crypto will make the world economy shake and make a huge impact on life. That's why government is planning to ban those cryptos. That has an impactful things to behave weird on crypto market. The winter summit is coming in November and this decision will be taken possibly. Before that happens, already we are witnessing this situation. The United States of America are also not ok with cryptos as they are facing price hike of things, jobless people, pay cut, the rise of covid cases. Their supremacy over the world is not that effective anymore. I don’t the reason and I don't want to talk about it.


So, is this the end of crypto verse? The demise of the rise? Collapsed state of the highly traded empire? The answer is no. This is not the end. We have seen that earlier and we are witnessing it now too. This is not the end of crypto magic. The Phoenix will rise up again. The experienced people, the experts are stating that it is making it’s momentum. Some are stating that we may witness the downfall upto 25% but then there will be a stability option. Well, I hope for that. I honestly pray for that. I need that rise because like you people, I'm dependent on it, my dreams are dependent on it, the future depends on it. Stay calm and let's see what happens next.

Pictures used in this article are used from my gallery.

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