I am enamoured with Curation on the Hive Blockchain


Enamored: >affected by strong feelings of love, admiration, or fascination.


Thank you everyone who has warmly welcomed me into this community. During the welcome process here I was asked a question about my view of curation here. I think it was a wonderful question asked my by @forexbrokr So I decided to share my reply and expand upon it here. Although my intention is to focus on learning here, I think it's useful to share my perceptions of this wonderful ecosystem, as the more I read about it the more I am amazed, and a wee bit enamoured, if such a thing is possible with something which is virtual. :)


I am enamoured with CURATION as a concept and tool.

As I wrote to @forexbrokr, curation is a very attractive tool stimulating interaction and monetizing it, and indeed this monetization of attention, as specified in the smart contract, is not always given the credit it's due as a truly new way to reward interactions between content creators and content consumers.

Non-trivial Reward

This is a non-trivial way to reward people who don't produce content, but who can add value to the community in other ways. The most obvious is that they can be supporters of good content creators, as art patrons did in the middle ages. But they can also shape community content with both positive and negative reinforcement. But the negative reinforcement can be completely passive and non-confrontational. But still shape a communities norms.
Lastly by virtue of the monetary influence they yield, large stake holders are a very interesting dynamic in the community.

Evolved Punishment

As an aside, this is a splendid illustration of the less aggressive and less confrontational way we can interact with others through computer code and tokenized social media. We don't need to insult people or engage in name calling, we can simply not reward them and not interact. Humans are social creatures and these non-confrontational punishments can be more effective than more aggressive ones. The psychology of humans is fascinating and universities offer courses on how to use social media to shape society, and many suspect it is already being used for this purpose.

Influence of Stake

Lastly, curation and the influence of curators on a community should not be taken lightly. I see that these areas can also be considered weak points or areas of vulnerability to over influence. But humans are imperfect, thus the systems they create are imperfect. All we can hope for is something Thomas Jefferson stated, that we evolve the rules of our society as our society evolves. Then its rules and norms will reflect the societies evolution. I think this also applies to social media communities. They will be imperfect in the beginning, but hopefully improve over time.

Decentralized Finance, where artificial intelligence meets finance can be an uplifting economic force for mankind, but being built by mankind it is imperfect, and can be exploited for individual gain and potentially mass suffering. Perhaps that was a bit over dramatic.

Ha! Ha! These are the observations of someone who loves the construction of Hive, and I am making simple observations, not value judgements. Or at least that is my intention. Alas, singularly language is imprecise, and despite our best efforts mis-interpretation can occur due to the lack of facial expression and body language delivered with the words. This medium writing even lacks vocal tone and intonation, other important cues of intent. So we attempt to convey tone and intent with emojis


Cover Picture Source An interesting article by @zkalemiss and you can read it here

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