If You Don’t Have a Will You May Find a Bunch of Excuses

If you don’t want to do something, then you may find a bunch of excuses. Alternatively you could also say, "If there is a will, there's a way".

That being said, I have been quite lazy in doing certain things. And for that reason I would find different excuses. I don't know if it's because we sometimes don't want to leave our comfort zone. I believe the moment you throw yourself to a comfort zone, you are on a losing side in the longer run.


I have been thinking of starting physical activities like going to gym doin some workout. But I wasn't able to make a decision, change my kit and walk for the workout. There were a bunch of excuses that would come in my mind which was causing delays by stopping me going to the gym.

But then when it comes to a situation when you feel very down, you have to take decision and try come out of it.

Now, that I am in a situation where I am working out regularly at the gym, I feel good. I sometimes feel I may have taken the decision before.

That day, I asked my brother to go for workout with me. He said, it's raining. Yes, it was raining but slowly. I replied, no problem, we can still go. The time we took in preparing ourselves for the gym, the rain already stopped. Remember? If there is a will, there's a way.

If someone really wants to do something, they will find a way to do it, even if there are things that make it hard to do.

So, my point is, don't try to find excuses. If you have made up your mind, go for it.

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