Guest Posting Friday | English With Nate | Learn New English Vol. 3 | Christmas edition


Guest Posting Friday

Hello D.Buzz Fam, Happy Christmas.

We want to collaborate with the community and help everyone learn and grow. Today we are thrilled to be collaborating with @SumatraNate. He has submitted the following article, focusing on learning English, and that is awesome. The article and views expressed are not from D.Buzz , please let us know if you have any concerns or questions about the content in the comments or let us know on Discord. We are open to other guests posters as well, contact us to discuss this more.

Thank you and here is the guest post. :)

Hey everyone, my name is @SumatraNate. In this guest post, I will be sharing a special Christmas-themed Words of the Week!

Let’s LEAP right in – Learn, Encourage, Acknowledge, and Practice.


We had a great group of words this week. If you have not had a chance to review our most recent words, I am sharing their meanings below:

  • Nativity (noun) - the occasion of a person’s birth
  • Blustery (adjective) - blowing in strong gusts
  • Goodwill (noun) – friendly or helpful attitude
  • Ornaments (noun) – something that makes something more beautiful

To read example sentences, be sure to check out @Definitions on D.Buzz, where I share new a word four days a week – Monday through Thursday.

If you prefer to listen to the Words of the Week, watch this video!


My encouragement for the week is:
Sometimes it is good to let the little mistakes go!

We all make mistakes, and that is ok! What is important is that we learn from our mistakes.

But the way a teacher might handle a mistake for a student’s written assignment is very different from how we should handle someone’s mistakes when we are chatting or having a conversation. Most of the time, the goal of a conversation is to communicate, not to correct. If we correct someone too much or too often, it is possible that the person will not want to talk with us any longer.

It is different if someone has asked you to correct their mistakes. If they have asked, feel free to do what they asked. But if someone has not asked you to correct him or her, it may be best to let the little mistakes go. If you are confused by what is said, then you can ask a clarifying question.


I want to acknowledge @savvyplayer for applying the information that I am sharing with @Definitions on D.Buzz. The best way to really learn something is to take what you have learned and apply it immediately and often. Keep up the good work, @savvyplayer.

I believe it is important to acknowledge people's efforts and improvement. How do I plan to do that?

  • I want to showcase English learners who are practicing, improving, and becoming better communicators. I hope that I will be able to add your name here soon.
  • I will be rewarding quality, authentic engagement with ENGAGE tokens.


It is time to practice. Answer the following question?

What clothes would you wear to protect yourself from blustery winds while placing ornaments on an outdoor Christmas tree?

Thanks for stopping by and letting me be apart of your English journey!

Have a blessed day, and keep practicing English! I look forward to the next time we can meet again!

Signing off!
@Sumatranate on behalf of @EnglishWithNate and @Definitions

More About SumatraNate:
I am a native English speaker from the United States who has a passion for helping people become good communicators. While living in Indonesia, I taught conversational English.

Trust me! I understand how hard it is to learn a new language. I have experience learning a new language and interacting with people who are learning a new language.

Communication is an important part of being human. Since it impacts our everyday lives, we need to understand the goal of communication. I believe that the goal of communication is to “hear and be heard.”

  • “hear” = carefully listening to what other people say
  • ”be heard” = speaking in such a way that people understand our message

The ultimate goal is to understand one another.

Over and out.

- D.Buzz


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