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Progress on My Hive Goals 27 March 2023 ~ Hive, XV, and Cine, Oh my!

Not much going on this past week, at least not much that I saw. As always, though, a lot of the happenings of the finance world go over my head so I'm sure I miss out on a lot. There was a bit of a Hive pump that I took advantage of. Hope you guys did as well. Otherwise it was another week of moving sideways.

But that said, progress was made! Let's look at what I was able to do.

~ Hive & HBD ~

My current goal is 25k Hive. This past week I made 92.020, bringing me to 13,059.16 total Hive Power. That's 52.2% of my goal!

So where does this bring me on my goal of 25k. Let's see.... 25k - 13,059.16 gives us 11,940.84. There are 279 days left in the year, so that means I need to earn 42.79871 per day to reach my goal by the first of next year. Hmmm....that's increased since last week (but only by 1). I'm still not making enough to reach that. I'm either going to have to increase my earnings or invest a bit of outside money.

I was able to make a little from swing trading the Hive pump last week. Not a lot because I only had 400 liquid, but I did make a little so that was nice. That will add to my power up in a few days on the next HPUD. As of right now I'll be powering up about 500 on that day. That might help me make a small gain towards my goal.

My average daily curation has been 2.18 which is a slight increase from last week's report. Progress there!

~ BRO / CINE ~

BRO is still too high for me to buy in much, so not much to report there. I did get 0.171 from my delegation to brofi, which puts me at 453.621. Still a long ways from my goal of 500 at this pace.

Cine remains a good price and all the work on that project makes me confident it has a good future. I bought 1000 of it this past week. I may stick that in the Cine:Swap.hive LP. I'll probably start picking up a little every week.

~ PIMP ~

My goal with PIMP is all the PIMP. But just to pick a number for achievement motivation purposes, my current goal is 50k PIMP.

I made 226.257 PIMP last week, putting me at 46,652.8132 — 93.3% of my goal.

Pimp continues to be my favorite token. Due to that I am heavily invested. I was passed on the richlist last week, but I am still #11. I'm tempted to buy more just to regain my position...

Just a reminder, the Pimp meeting is open to all. Every Wednesday at 13:00 UTC. Some of the biggest names on Hive keep dropping in every week to give us the scoop. Well, evidently that's good sandwich eating time, because @raymondspeaks keeps ditching us for lunch, but plenty of other big names keep dropping by. The meeting isn't recorded, so if you want to hear all the info we pass around you'll have to drop in. Join the Pimp server → here.

~ XV ~

One interesting investment I came across this past week was XV. Actually I saw mention of it in the Mancave a few weeks ago and we've talked about in in the Pimp meetings a few times, but I didn't actually look into it until last week.

It's run by @silverstackeruk, the same guy behind SBI and EDS. This one is pretty straight forward. He will use all funds generated by the XV sale to invest in the top 15 crypto coins, rebalancing every few months, for two years. After that he will pay us back what is left from the investment, which will hopefully be at a decent profit.

It's a gamble, but isn't everything? For people like myself who are not very good at trading beyond buying and holding BTC (and HIVE), letting someone who knows what they're doing manage things is appealing. I bought a few of them this past week and will buy a few more over the coming weeks while they are on sale. If you are interested, go read about it here. Definitely worth considering.

And forward we go! It was a strong week. Let's see how this coming one goes!

David LaSpina is an American photographer and translator lost in Japan, trying to capture the beauty of this country one photo at a time and searching for the perfect haiku.