Progress on My Hive Goals ~ 6 March 2023

Another week gone by. BTC and Hive dropped a bit—that was fun. Otherwise it was more the same as usual. But to save us from the boredom, some Hive drama cropped up in the past two days. It's been a bit since the last big Hive drama, so I suppose it was due. That's been fun to watch. My personal opinion is that while Hive needs a way to stop abuse, HW is a bit too heavy-handed at times and this causes us to lose users—and one thing Hive can not afford is losing users. But I'm merely a small fry here and I have no influence either way, so I'm just watching the fireworks.

Anyway, drama aside, let's take a look at my gains from the past week. My focus is still on Hive and increasing my HP, so we'll start there.

~ Hive & HBD ~

My current goal is 25k Hive. This past week I made 118.190. Combined with my 500 power-up on HPUD, that puts me at 12,797.63 total Hive Power. That's 51.2% of my goal! Past the half way point! It's all downhill from here, right?

I also got 37.61 in HBD from posts over the past week. I traded all of it for Hive and will be holding that liquid until the next HPUD. Part of me wants to go ahead and power it up now, but the other part of me wants to keep it liquid to take advantage of any Hive pumps this month and giving me the option for some swing trading.

Let's see, 25k minus 12,797.63 is 12,202.37. Roughly 10 more months till 2024. That works out to 1,220.237 per month if I want to reach it by the end of the year, or by the 1st of next year, or roughly 305.05925 per week. Well I missed that this past week. If you add my Hive and HBD made I was close... but as my grandpa always used to say Close only counts in hand grenades and Horseshoes. Maybe next week I'll hit the mark!

Anyway, again, my focus is on getting my HP up to where it should be after 5.5 years on this blockchain so I am putting nearly everything I make towards that. But I am leaving a loophole for myself. Any swap.hive made from selling tokens, such as the GLX airdrop, I am letting myself buy other tokens with.

My focus here has been Bro and I think it still is, but I did deviate from that this past week...

~ LEO ~

I haven't been looking towards LEO for sometime, but their release of Project Blank/Threads has me paying more attention. While it remains to be seen how it will go, Threads has the potential to be a real game changer for Hive. It's the first true alternative to the long-form Wordpress-esque blogging that has been the primary way to interact with and make money from Hive since the beginning. It's still very much feature incomplete, but it is making rapid progress. Already it resembles early versions of Twitter. If they can keep the improvements coming and pair this with making it easier to sign up for a Hive account, this could be huge.

I read this post from @dagger212 the other day and he made a lot of sense. Leo's price is around 5 cents right now. Regardless of past mistakes, the Leo team keeps trying new things and it's probably a fair guess to say they will still be around for awhile. I don't think it's too wild to expect some improvement from that 5 cent price. Maybe not up to the dollar high that they hit before, but at least more than a nickel.

That in mind, this past week I swapped some of my GLX airdrop for Leo. Not much, I only swapped for 50 LEO. I'm thinking in this week I may do that swap everyday and build up my Leo level a bit. Maybe not to that 100k level that @dagger212 hit, but at least a little. I haven't participated in LPUD for a few months, so maybe I'll save up and enter in the next one.

~ Splinterlands ~

Looks like Chaos Legion may finally be close to being finished. I'm debating on if I should buy some packs just to flip when they sell out and demand shoots up. That is a gamble, because of course demand may not shoot up. I think it's a pretty safe gamble, but it still is one.

For SPS I'm up to 26,704.391 staked and nearly 1000 liquid. That staked number is giving me about 13 SPS and 1/2 Voucher per day. Not tremendous, but it's something. My previous goal for SPS was 25k staked. I've gone a bit above that now. I'm not ready to sell the 1000 liquid I'm holding, but I'm not going to stake it either. Just sitting on it waiting for something to happen.

And forward we go! It was a strong week. Let's see how this coming one goes!

Hi there! David LaSpina is an American photographer and translator lost in Japan, trying to capture the beauty of this country one photo at a time and searching for the perfect haiku.
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