My Hive Goals December 6 2022 ~ Legion, EDSMM, and CLP

As the clock ticks down to the end of the year, I continue to build! I mean, there's nothing much else to do right now with the market still on life support. But there are a lot of exciting things happening to get in on!

Let's look at those as well as some of my gains and holdings this past week.


Legion (LGN) was brought into the world to give The Mancave community another coin to use, since BRO is rapidly selling out. Ray has some big plans, so this is definitely one to get!

I haven't bought any yet, preferring to focus on buying BRO, but I am getting around 2.1 everyday in the airdrop, so that's cool. I'm up to 10.752 so far!


EDS keeps issuing more mini-miners due to demand, but they are selling out very fast. I have 270 now and am considering buying more.

The miners are giving me new EDS at a rate of around 30%, and then I get a weekly Hive dividend for holding the EDS. Double score! Last month I mined 3.23 total, but already this month I have mined exactly 1.


Neil and Gerber decided to create another group buy for the Xmas Splinterlands sale. Xchaos went really well, so I have high hopes for this next one. So far I've only purchased 5 (you purchase them with DEC), but I will pick up more in the next week.


Last week had a HPUD in there, which saw me powering-up 100 Hive. Combined with my regular earnings, I pulled in 146.11. That brings me to 7,769.25 total. Still a ways off from 10k, but getting closer!


My BRO buying was down a little this past week, mostly because I ran out of money! Ho hum. But I did manage to pick up 52.94 of them, putting me at 396.084 total. I am still aiming to get dragon status, but at the very least I hope to reach 500 before they sell out!

And forward we go! It was a strong week. Let's see how this coming one goes!

Hi there! David LaSpina is an American photographer and translator lost in Japan, trying to capture the beauty of this country one photo at a time and searching for the perfect haiku.

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