Leveraging two worlds: taking advantage of online and offline businesses


The world is advancing and there is a need to adapt to it. One cannot compare how business was in the 90's with the 2000's. In short, there has been a massive business shift in the last fifteen years with online platforms paving ways and creating opportunities for investors and new businesses to surface. There is a possibility of becoming a millionaire within a few years in business thanks to the developing platforms that easily link entrepreneurs and consumers together.

Nevertheless, one should not underestimate the opportunities that offline platforms still retain despite that the online presence is booming. Businesses have been conducted offline for years with lucrative returns and yes I must say, it is still lucrative if one knows how vital and inevitable some offline businesses can be. Two products are always in the market for sales; either goods or services in which both can still be rendered in the offline market.

The best part here is that instead of choosing to do business online or offline, you can choose to stay in both. Yes, your ability to merge both online and offline businesses together can help you thrive even in an unfavorable economy. We have seen how big companies like alibaba have taken advantage of both platforms to emerge as top competitors in the business world.

The Need to Merge

Goods are inevitable to human existence, punching a set of code online will not put food in your mouth, these are done offline. For instance, the agricultural sector will need offline presence in terms of planting and harvesting; the seeds are not grown online nor are they harvested online yet it can be sold through online platforms. The advantage of the merging is the ability to expand your customer base even beyond your geometrical reach. Looking at conglomerates like Luis Vuitton when it comes to fashion, all the clothes are processed and done offline yet it has been sold to the far ends of the world thanks to online platforms. The advantage here is you can either buy directly from their stores or get it ordered to wherever you may want it to.

Hustling in Both Worlds

Taking myself as an example, I do have my offline businesses that I run on daily bases. Yes I must say they are lucrative yet as usual, business is always hectic especially when you are in the developing phase with no huge capital to invest into the labor department. You have to be massively involved in the day to day running of the business to cut costs. I have been doing business for more than four years now and still going. Yes it's a small and medium scale enterprise for now if you would permit me to say, that's why I call it a hustle. I know it will soon boom out, with God by my side, discipline and commitment will soon pay off.

I also make some bucks leveraging online platforms. I am a writer and a micro-blogger with many other aspirations to further dense my presence in the online world. So if I am not here, I'm there trying to make some money to expand my business and income sources to achieve my desired dreams. It has always worked well, when online business don't go smoothly, offline can always cover it and vice versa. Adding to that, I have also leveraged online platforms to market my business and it has helped in increasing, securing and maintaining a good customer base that has thrived business. Being in both exceptions of creating streams of income has also helped in gathering experience and knowledge from the two worlds, keeping me updated and adaptive to trends which are very needful for becoming a skilled entrepreneur.

Will Offline Replace Online?

The existence of online business have eliminated some offline businesses like what E-mail did to post offices and even social media now making information dissemination fast and easy. Yet I must say, there are core offline businesses that can never be extinguished as their demand is crucial to daily living. When even talking about online presence, there is a need to understand that they sprout from offline developments. Computers are made from offline factories, clothes, cars and many other consumables are also inclusive.

Online platforms are more of a channel that links buyers with sellers like what happens in the financial markets. When looking at the real estate world, there is an open ground for offline presence when talking about land and structures. The real estate market is a boomer and will continue to boom especially when creating an online marketing platform for it. The three life primary essentials still remain in the hands of offline manufactures; when talking about food, shelter and clothing. There is a need to also have a presence in the offline markets yet the best comes when both are merged.

Lesson From the Cash Crunch

I learned a lot from the cash crunch that happened earlier this year in my country due to naira redesign. All sectors became so dependent on the offline markets. I must say, there is always a need to have knowledge of many things rather than being too concentrated on one thing. Merging the two markets is the best as a lot who could, thrived and got businesses going smoothly in such tough times.

Wrapping things up let me say, the world continues to evolve and there is a need to stay updated. As ways of making money online continues to increase, there is a need especially for entrepreneurs to learn and thrive businesses on both platforms. It does not only generate streams of income but create a balance between the two business worlds. Leveraging every given opportunity goes beyond entrepreneurs to employers who can through this process create a side hustle to help tackle life's daily needs. Your presence both online and offline can help to easily shoot you to a level you never imagined within the shortest period of time.

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