A New Lion is On Hive

When I have to introduce myself online I usually have the thoughts of uploading my LinkedIn catchy and ego-boosting words.

But lately, I began feeling different, accepting myself, getting much more comfortable in my skin, and caring less about societal pressure, guess that’s because they say real life indeed starts at 40.


Here comes the today's me.
My name is Dandee with a second name Ekom (meaning thank God in the Ibibio language).
But let me help you ease the burden of coining your tongue to pronounce, it is pronounced Ekɔrm.
I am an open-minded bearded Nigerian man, sometimes people mistakenly associate my facial looks with harshness, which is not true though 😀.
I love creativity, and my watchword is “How can we do it better “, this trait has caused me analysis paralysis severally, I don’t just want to do it the wrong way.
I possess a lot of skills, and the one putting food on my table right now is Online Marketing, by the way, I am pretty good at it, if that’s of interest to you consider checking out my website ekomdandee.com.

Another interesting thing about me is my buying and selling ability otherwise called entrepreneurship in a formal manner, I actually bought a mobile phone one day and sold it 5 minutes later outside the store for a profit, That’s how bad it is, I guess that's because of my sixth little fingers Superstitiously associated with entrepreneurship in Nigeria😆(he he).

little enterptrnural finger.jpg my little sixth entrepreneurial finger😀

Another attribute I have is paying attention to details, At some point I get disappointed with the threading of my jacket and wish to redo it, I watch so closely before getting along deeply with people (not fun ful though), but at the end of the day when I do even the gods can’t dissuade me.
Music is my medication from all the hurdles and uncertainty, give me something with nice lyrics and a good instrumental let's forget about the Civil War.

I drink alcohol responsibly and seriously respect men who cope without it, it is truly not easy.
my definition of money-making isn't about having a specific dress code and being watched behind cameras, I hate being monitored, in other words, I like freedom and doing things at my own pace.

I learnt about Hive block chain from someone dear to my heart, and was told my introduction had to be around 500 words or more, then I realized I had to add more words by letting you know that i will be writing here more on Online marketing, Search engine optimization, content marketing, and most of what it takes to grow your business online and ultimately grow your bottom line.

I guess a lot of people share the same characteristics and traits as me, if you do love you and if you don't welcome to our world.

There you have it about me, Thank you for reading about today's me, I will certainly come to update this when I add more feathers to my hat because change is inevitable.

All images used are mine.

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