Ramble On

(Photo by Anton Konstantinov on Unsplash )

Did you see what I did there? Ramble On...? Picture of a Zeppelin...? Clever, right? 😁

The Post

Yes, the moment has arrived. The first of many I'm sure. I really don't feel like writing today nor do I have much of an idea of what to write about. We all reach this point, probably on a regular basis. I know I do. Everything's been said. I've already written about this, this, and this. I just don't have it in me today.

I was actually trying to take a nap when this little idea wiggled it's way into my brain.

What if what I write sucks? What if nobody reads it?

And then I realized, it doesn't matter. I'm not writing for votes. I'm writing because I want to. I want to add to the platform. I want to put things down on paper for the future so I can go back and look at them. I want to maybe help a few other people either in my position, or trying to get there. That's what this should be about. Not the votes.

Sure, votes are great and I appreciate every single one of them. But if that's why I'm doing it, then I'm going to end up being disappointed. Who wants to have their moods dictated by whether or not someone "liked" what you wrote? That doesn't work very well. You'll end up all over the map with highs and lows every day based on your perception of what other people think. And that's it right there. It's not even real. It's just your perception.

The Quote

I was listening to one of @theycallmedan's #3Speak chats the other day and one thing he said really struck me. He said,

Who cares what everyone else wants to hear. What do you want to say?!?

It's true. You're never going to please everybody so quit trying and just focus on doing what you want to do. Saying what you want to say. No matter how "right" you are or how "well" you do something, there are always going to be people who don't like it. Just realize that up front and let the noise pass you by. Do what you do because you know it's value, whether other people see it or not.

Which is why we need to just keep going. Good days, bad days, and everything in between. Consistency is the key. The more we practice, the better we'll get.

The End

So, today, that's it. I've got a goal to get one of those post-every-day-for-a-month badges from @HiveBuzz and now they have just added a yearly one. Since I've managed to write for the first five days of the year, I figure I might as well keep going. You never know. Keep building the Momentum, right?

Hive is the Way.

Thanks for reading.

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