One Month on HIVE Update

Hello Hive Family
Its been more than a month now I had joined this Hive Platform.
Each and everyday I learn something new about this. There are so many projects going on hive blockchain. I read articles about new projects launching new games releasing etc.

This article is about my overall growth on this platform in the 1 month and My hive experience.

I am happy with my reputation which is around 47 now it is so fast thanks for people like @nathanmars and @jongolson for supporting me from the staring of the phase.

I have written about 13 educational articles about crypto and new crypto projects.
On avereage I recevive about 10 likes per post.

If you see the account growth w.r.t hive power

It was going good until I was offline for about 2 weeks due to travelling.

Its gonna take long to time as I see there are so many people here for about 2-3 years and I have just started now.

By reading articles I have got to know about new Play to Earn Games.
I wanted to try Splinterlands. I will try as soon as I generate about 10$ to buy book. I am still learning.
Once I start playing spinterlands I can also write something about it in my articles and post some updates like others.

Also by reading new post in Hive specially in Leofinance keeps me updated around new giveaways and Launching of new Projects. Which seems interesting to read.

Trying to improve my writing skills to gain attention of larger audience.
Everyday learning new things and there's a lot to discover.
That's it guys this was a short update of my Hive Experience and My personal thoughts

For my crypto articles refer this.
My recent articles are :

Explaining NFT from Basics and How money is made through it.


How to solve the problem of not getting ads in Brave Browser


Thank You


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