“Wait and See:” Nothing Comes From Nothing!

Well, I’m just going to wait and see how it goes!

I expect we’ve all done that, at one point or another. And perhaps it is a perfectly adequate approach in some contexts… like buying a lottery ticket.

But even with that example, I hasten to add that you still have to buy a lottery ticket!

But there are so many things in life where ”wait and see” is totally inappropriate.

Maybe that seems utterly fundamental, but it’s surprising how often people — perhaps inadvertently — engage in ”wait and see” behavior.

You could even consider such a thing as blogging and building a social media following. Surprisingly many people seem to think that they get to publish a bit and then they can just ”wait and see” and soon enough their little burst of initial energy and enthusiasm will turn into a huge success.

Not gonna happen!

It easily takes years of constant attention and nurturing to build much of a following and enjoy success… and even then you still have to maintain what you’re doing, or it will soon enough return to nothingness.

We see that quite a lot here on Hive… perhaps because a lot of people start out with the lure of ”easy money” in their heads.

Of course, there’s always someone in the crowd who can point to a story to the contrary… but if we poke around in the stories surrounding such ”one hit wonders,” let us not forget that it is the extraordinary exception that makes for a good news story, not the norm.

Whereas I can definitely appreciate the boundless optimism of someone starting a YouTube channel in the belief they’ll become the next Mr. Beast… it might be well tempered with a dose of reality.

Of course, the whole ”wait and see” thing also happens in business, and even in crypto projects… where the problem is more that someone will build something quite worthy and interesting… and then operate on the belief that that’s it.

And then they feel all butthurt, rejected and depressed when it turns out that the ”if we build it, they will come” mythology is precisely that: a myth.

I suppose I’m a rather a realist, in the sense that I tend to look at whatever I undertake from the perspective of outcomes in most cases, rather than looking at the extreme best case scenario.

Which, of course, is also why I don’t play the lottery!

As the old truism goes: ”A lottery is a tax on people who are bad at math!”

My experience with these things is that you tend to get back pretty much what you put into your endeavors… and if you expect/hope to get a continuous stream of success, expect to put in a continuous stream of effort. Conversely, it tends to hold true that ”nothing comes from nothing.”

And before you protest too much… remember, I’m considering how things work out in MOST cases! I leave the moonshots to the gamblers of the world!

Thanks for coming to visit, and do leave a comment if you feel so inclined!


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