That Business of Making Choices... and Choosing Wisely

2024 is almost upon us, and I have been pondering what my approach to the coming year will be.

Like many, I am faced with lots of possibilities, and also with the reality that I can just do all of them, I have to choose.


It's like the old saying goes "you can't have your cake and eat it, too."

I tend to have many different interests, but there is really not enough time (or resources!) in my world to pursue them all.

If I decide that I am going to invest money in the Cryptosphere and work on building investments, I have to forego spending money on other interests and hobbies, because funds to do both aren't going to magically appear out of thin air, like Unicorn sprinkles!

We are all — to a greater or lesser degree — fenced in by such things as available time, money, resources, energy and more.

In the past, I have tended to try to pay attention to too many things, historically with the outcome that any one thing didn't do very well.


I expect I have taken the old saying "you can have it ALL" to an extreme that it was never meant to fulfill!

I think we tend to do that, because society/culture sells us the idea that we can have it all. But unless we actually have a rich uncle, that's probably not true!

So this year (meaning 2024) I have decided to set somewhat modest goals instead, and focus on actually reaching them... rather than ending up frustrated at mid-year because it seems like everything is falling short of expectations.

I still have a couple of days to finalize my goals for 2024... and I shall try to use them wisely!

In the meantime, I hope everyone has a great New Year's Weekend!



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