2023 Goals - Report #6

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Hey everyone,

This is my sixth report about 2023 goals.
Let's see how it is my goals.



My Hive goal is to reach 3 000 Hive this year.
Last month I had 2 260.064 Hive.

Currently, I have 2451.297, (81.71% goal completed) as we can see in the below chart.

In the last month I won and bought 190.693 Hive.
Looking at the chart, I can check that I am outperforming my expectations, and that makes me happy and focus.

This mean that I need more 548.703 Hive to reach my goal.



Since I have already completed my first goal defined for LEO (2 200 LEO), I defined a new one that is 5 000 LEO.
It is a little ambitious, but I will try to reach until the end of the year.

Last month I had 2 435.422LEO.

Currently, I have 2632.486 LEO, (52.65% goal completed) as we can see in the below chart.

In the last month, I won/bought 197.064 LEO.

This mean that I need more 2 367.514 LEO to reach my new goal.



My financial situation changed and allow me to do some investments on Hive tokens.

My current investment's status is the following

In addition to the investment I had already made in the XV token, I decided to make an investment (this one is even bigger) in the @dailydab token DBOND.

Regarding the STARBITS (Rising Star) and SCRAP (Terracore) tokens, I will no longer withdraw them from the games, as I will use them to upgrade my accounts.


Now it's time to continue working hard on the remaining goals to see if I can meet them before the end of the year.

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