2023 Goals - Report #5

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Hey everyone,

This is my fifth report about 2023 goals.
Let's see how it is my goals.



My Hive goal is to reach 3 000 Hive this year.
Last month I had 2 081.239 Hive.

Currently, I have 2 260.064, (75.35% goal completed) as we can see in the below chart.

In the last month I won and bought 179.365 Hive.
Looking at the chart, I can check that I am outperforming my expectations, and that makes me happy and focus.

This mean that I need more 739.936 Hive to reach my goal.



My LEO goal is at least 2 200 LEO.
Last month I had 2 023.781 LEO.

Currently, I have 2 435.422 LEO, (100% goal completed) as we can see in the below chart.

In the last month, I won/bought 411.641 LEO.
Since I have already completed my goal, I defined a new goal, I will try to reach 5 000 LEO this year.



My financial situation changed and allow me to do some investments on Hive tokens.

My current investment's status is the following

I have closed my position on LabFund because I will project with transparency and good communication, something that I don't identified in this project. At least I was able to close it with profit.

I almost made the ROI on Rising Star investment.

Currently, TerraCore it is my best investment since I have already 38.37% profit and I continue to play the game.


Now it's time to continue working hard on the remaining goals to see if I can meet them before the end of the year.

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