From Joy to Anger: Navigating Cryptocurrency with Inside Out Emotions

Since Inside Out 2 has been released, let's join the bandwagon and relate each character to our emotions from a cryptocurrency perspective. I'll only use the characters from the first film since I haven't watched the second one yet.

In this short post, we will explore how the five main characters from the Inside Out movie can represent the experiences of those involved in the crypto world. For sure, you have experienced this before or maybe you are still experiencing it now.

Joy: The Bull Market

Who wouldn't want a bull market? Each time we see green in our portfolio, Joy takes the lead. Seeing your invested coins reach their all-time high (ATH) is exhilarating. While it is generally categorized as financial gain, Joy is also about being optimistic and excited about the potential of the blockchain you are supporting.

For example, in $HIVE, people celebrate joy even though their investments are in red simply because they are excited about what will come next and believe that this token will revolutionize everything. They are thrilled about the future.

Imagine Joy in Riley's control panel, or maybe in your mind when you trade on the exchanges. What do you see?

Sadness: The Bear Market

In the movie, Sadness isn't all about being down. She helped Riley regulate her feelings and grow, and this can be taken in a constructive way. If applied in real life, this is where you reflect and turn your mistakes into opportunities to grow even more.

Newton's third law of motion states that what goes up must come down. Though this refers to gravity, it also holds true in life. When markets turn bearish and our portfolios bleed red, Sadness is just around the corner. Watching your investments decrease little by little is heartbreaking, especially when you bought the coin at a higher price, and then it goes down and down without any rest. During this time, people tend to stop thinking about their future goals and most likely quit and leave.

Fear: The Uncertainties

This is something constant for us ever since we joined this sphere. We get anxious about things such as regulatory changes, security breaches, takeovers, and market crashes. This keeps you awake every night, making you hit the F5 button constantly to refresh your screen for a possible gain and even monitor the news about the coin you are following.

In the movie, Fear is always on the lookout for Riley's well-being, keeping her safe from any harm. Depending on how you view fear, it can help or hinder you as an investor. Fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) can lead to panic selling and poor decision-making. With a healthy relationship with fear, you can turn the tables and gain.

Disgust: The Dark Side

We all know that there are still bad actors in the sphere. Disgust in our world is triggered by scams, fraudulent projects, and pump-and-dump schemes that make the community a red flag to others.

Disgust helped Riley avoid things that might make her sick. By applying this emotion to our crypto investments, it can help us avoid bad investments in the future. This can help you think critically and discern where to put your money. In a world with hype and misinformation, a mindset with disgust can help maintain a stable portfolio.

Anger: Frustration on Missed Opportunities

This emotion often rises each time you miss a major opportunity in the market. Sometimes, you become angry due to manipulation or unfair practices. Or perhaps you received a downvote from someone you do not know, removing the potential reward you might earn from your post.

In the movie, Anger's outbursts are impactful. I relate to him every time he explodes in a scene, as I feel the same way each time I am angry at something. Though we often see this emotion in a negative light, it is still important in the industry we are in. With the right amount of anger, we can motivate investors to fight for better regulations and demand more transparency. Who knows, others might be experiencing the same frustration but remain complacent only because no one is speaking up.

The crypto space is as complex as our minds and as depicted in the movie Inside Out. But understanding each of these emotions and how to manage them can help us in the future, making us better with our investments and threading the path to our goals.

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