Time To Take A Breather


Jokes a side that is not happening because there is no time to take a break as we have limited time left in this cycle even though that could still be 15-18 months away. Time is our friend and we cannot afford to waste it because time lost can never be recouped. Crypto is a lifestyle and we need to adapt if we are going to reach the full potential.

When I started out on Hive over 6 years ago I realised I was behind the 8 ball and the only way I could catch up the year or so other accounts had on me was by putting in the extra time. This is a philosophy I believe in because it has worked over a long period of time. Staying active is how you grow and there is no substitute for time mixed with consistency.

With the markets generally going through a quiet period now the temptation to take it easy and grab a breather is not something I would even contemplate. I know many others do however and then it reflects on their overall growth.

Price action should have no correlation with your overall portfolio growth because this is not the time to slow down. Why anyone would take their foot off the pedal during a Bear market is kind of crazy because it should require the total opposite thought process.

When the market is going side ways and you are not day trading then your goals should be to grow taking advantage of the market lull. Some would be wishing Hive was already at $2 or$5 which thankfully will happen, but not for now.

The problem is the post values or rewards you earn will reflect a higher dollar number, but overall you are earning way less Hive. A $20 post today will earn you around 12 Hive and 5 HBD compared to a $2 Hive will earn you 2.5Hive and 5 HBD so this highlights why the time for growth is now because you will look back on these times with FOMO regretting not doing the extras.

@taskmaster4450 touched on this yesterday with builders versus the price watchers and it is so true. Most of crypto is watching the price instead of looking what they could be doing to accumulate and grow more. This is more about ignorance mixed with laziness not understanding how to grow. The opportunities are all around us and there should be no excuses because we can all do more.

I truly believe it takes 2 full cycles to make a difference financially but that means you are working continuously throughout those cycles otherwise it is not the same thing and you may need an extra cycle to achieve what you should have in 2 cycles.

Growth is all on you and you have no one else to blame, but yourself because we all have the same opportunities and need to make the most of this time. Most of my crypto is staked with the work done already, but there is still so much more to do. We know what can be achieved within 12 months because we can add an extra 20% or more across our portfolios. 20% is serious money and why we have to take advantage of this time.

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