Telling Us What We Already Know


Things are moving so quickly these days I would have to guess we are definitely in the early adopters stage and on the up form here.

I was reading an article this evening that came through my Twitter feed today regarding the "perceptions" of crypto currencies and how they are changing. This is something we all knew would happen and it is more about people educating themselves and not reading all the FUD that is generated.

The media are their own worst enemy as they have tried to keep crypto beaten down for so long and now people are waking up realising that it is not so bad. How bad can it be when huge investment houses are flocking in and you aren't? these are the same investment houses that your future relies on with pension payments.

A few years back an old boss of mine told me tp be careful with crypto as it was not safe yet today he is dabbling in the markets. Sure there ar eplenty of unsavory characters in crypto who cannot be trusted and that is the same in any type of business. That doesn't mean you have to be involved in their crypto "projects" as the choice is entirely yours.

Going back to the article they stated that out of an audience of 3000 from various first world countries 75% had used some type of digital payment within the last year. That is not surprising as one can only imagine that survey in 10 years time.

The millennials will be in their 30's and crypto will be a dominant force as that is where things are heading. I would guess the survey then would say 100% as I can see everyone slowly coming across to the dark side.

Technology is transforming the world we live in faster than we can think and the use of physical money is disappearing at a rapid rate. Just this week I was at a parking garage that only accepted card payments and no money slot in sight. Tap and go is all we are going to know and it wont matter what currency you have being Digital FIAT or crypto it will all be treated the same way.

Another article I stumbled upon stated that crypto would be adopted within 10 years and I would agree with that time line. The institutions are going to fight the entire way however, but like the Berlin wall it will fall. The pendulum is definitely shifting and just looking back from 2018 till now how much has changed and that is just in 4 short years. Huge strides have been made all in favor of crypto and that pace is only starting to speed up. Wait until a few of these bigger nations launch their digital currencies and watch how fast things move from there.

10 years maybe when mass adoption really kicks in but my money is on it kicking off far sooner. This is exciting times we are all living in and mass adoption basically means we could add some zero's onto our portfolio depending on what we have of course.

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