Stake Generating Stake

The APR has already increased slightly whilst writing this article and has to be the added increase for the week. The TVL has risen since last week after there were millions sold off when the unlocking happened. I cam live with a base rate increase of 0.02% weekly over and above all the other increases.

Lately I have found myself in a good position regarding my COTI stake having got in early enough and more importantly having enough stake to reap the benefits. Over he last 2 years I have ground away and surpassed my initial target of holding 15K COTI by more than 8 x. Planning with crypto is never guaranteed because of the outside influences and the SEC FUD last year seriously helped the accumulation.

The aim is to increase my COTI daily rewards by looking at what is on offer within the Treasury. COTI has or is just finishing the last Airdrop campaign for GCOTI and the new COTI V2 campaign kicked off last Monday. All this means is that there are now new earning opportunities with extra APR available. This is going to be a sliding APR that will increase weekly as long as you are staked.

Currently I have 4 staked COTI investments earning various APR ranging from 19.95% down to 4.61%. The daily rewards are averaging around 41 COTI which is way better than expected. The bonus is that this figure is going to increase within he next 2 weeks as the other 3 staked COTI pools become unlocked.

Just doing some basic calculations those 3 pools locked under the new airdrop campaign will raise the overall APR earnings again. Just on the one pool alone there is an additional 2.5% to benefit from when doing the new staking. If all things stay the same for now I can expect another 5 COTI daily within the next 3 weeks. This will bring the total tally to 46 COTI earned daily.

No one expected a major sell off by investors after the GCOTI airdrop campaign which saw over 10 million COTI removed from the Treasury TVL. This helped boost the overall APR that was being earned and expect it will fluctuate over the coming weeks as more stake becomes unlocked when that campaign finishes on the 10th April.

The goal right now is to try and achieve 50 COTI rewards daily because accumulating is more important than ever and for other reasons than dollar value. later this year there is going to be a swap over expected to take place in December where all current COTI tokens will be swapped out for the new COTI V2 token which is an Ethereum L2 token.

The swap over is going to be the main event for COTI this year and where the true benefit of having stake will be revealed. The early investors who swap early will be given extra COTI V2 and what type of a percentage we will have to wait and see but it could easily be a 10% extra or possibly more.

Everyone is looking at price when they should be looking at dollar numbers instead of the size of their stake trying to generate more which will eventually turn into more dollars. When I look at my stake I am trying to add another 25% and not concerned about the market prices because that is a given it will rise significantly. Ethereum L2 tokens are going to rise significantly over the coming 12 months and it is easy to get caught up in the what ifs of dreamland.

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