Spinning A Yarn


Microsoft 365 I have never had a need to use it until today and usually avoid apps on my phone for some reason.

If you say that someone spins a yarn, you mean that they tell a story that is not true, often an interesting or imaginative one.

I have realized I am good at this manly down to the fact I am more genuine and sincere than most people and it allows me or a better word helps me to manipulate the situations. This sales approach does not always work but when it does it opens up an Aladdin's cave.

I spent 15 minutes today with the prospective new client for the packaging business who as I mentioned before is conveniently my next door business warehouse neighbor. I know from quizzing my land lord they are a solvent business that are doing rather well. This is their 3rd warehouse and more of an over flow so any business that needs 3 warehouses would get my attention.

I have worked out my costings over the last few days, but was thrown a curve ball due to shrinkflation when I realized most of the sizes have changed due to price increases. I felt like a duck out of water as I had no clue there are now 3 or 4 different sizes for each product which is simply dumb as it confuses the market.

The 10 various sizes I was originally quoting on they have 3 different sizes which did not help my pricing. I had to think out the box quickly and told the kind lady that it would be far simpler and quicker if she gave me her costings. The reason I gave was the am was to make her business that much more profitable by giving her the best pricing which would help her acquire new clients ultimately growing out business. This way they would become a sales arm for the factory and everyone benefits. The factory would not need a sales force on the road as they already have staff and we would be giving them the best prices to operate with. This is actually all true even though this was unplanned and made it up as I went because I was hoping for her cost prices.

It sounded good and I almost believed what I was saying as it was a half true and ore importantly she believed this. She was smiling so much it was obvious this was a new one on her and within 20 minutes of saying goodbye I had the entire business costings covering every product they sell. I was only after 10 items and now I have it all which is a rarity that anyone gives you anything for free these days. Costings if you can get them are the difference between a good business deal and a business deal because you can guarantee both sides are happy this way.

All I had to do was download the Microsoft 365 app on my phone to reveal the hidden treasures which is a gold mine of information. The truth is we will both benefit from this as she does not know I will go midway between our costings and hers and not just under. I know others would not be as ethical and would simply create a saving even if it was only small making more profit for themselves. In an around about way I am fulfilling the story I told her and it could work out the same way I had described it. The lady obviously has backed me and I will now back her helping them the best I can. The end result is she wants to place an order this week which was not expected and we shall see were this leads.

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