Maximizing The Being Early Advantage


Who knows maybe we are 7-10 years early which is a huge benefit which will pay off when the others arrive.

This is exactly how I see Crypto as there are so few involved within the crypto eco system. Unfortunately FUD and all the hacking stories has spread fear and uncertainty with the masses making them less reluctant to get involved. This will slowly turn as more and more do get involved, but it has definitely slowed down the adoption process.

We are still very early and even if someone bought today for their first time they would also be seen as early which is kind of ridiculous to imagine with many of us being involved for over 5 years already. Those 5 years as a head start we have to make that time count earning from the portfolios we have in place via staking.

When I think of the value I had at the back end of last year there are not many people who could have invested $250K to match my investment value. Prices have dropped by a good 80% since then and that value is around $60K now which is still a decent number.

How I see the value of what we are generating a gentle reminder is the Hive wallet we each hold. Mine is just over $40K if you include Leodex and even $40K is a large sum for someone just to invest to match what you have. The longer the masses stay away from Crypto the larger our holdings become and we can see that this is going to give us an advantage as we already have considerable value. From a selfish perspective I am happen to see this carry on for a good few years yet as watching the values rise is kind of fantastic.

Sooner or later the mad scramble will happen when the floodgates open with the masses pouring into the various crypto projects and by then our bags should already be quite full. When I joined Hive back in March 2018 I thought I was already too late having missed the boat, but over 4 years later the boat hasn't sailed yet even though the number of accounts has risen by 3 x in that period.

Crypto is still not so obvious which we all know takes time to understand and to be able to apply that knowledge. Even if the masses started clambering in next year it could take a year for them to get up to speed with the knowledge required to succeed. Time is still on our side especially with a blockchain like Hive. We are still a little more complex than all the others even though it seems easy for all of us. The learning period cannot be underestimated as this is a big step up from the outside world.

One thing we can all be guaranteed of is the gold rush has not started yet and the real values are still yet to arrive as new money pours into many crypto projects.

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