Making Your Investment Work For You

This took me a while to find, but I knew it was around somewhere as this goes back to August 2022. This example is all about timing where you bought in the crypto cycle, but actually more than that. If you had bought in November/December 2021 at the all time high then you would still be in the arrears.

Looking at these date metrics Tweets don't give you the full picture of how an investment can grow as they are purely looking at price. If they gave what the earning potential was on each token/coin then it would be afar fairer summary of what each crypto project can do for your investment.

This example is a prime one however showing the value of Hive and what can be done to stem the losses and make your investment work for you. The value of the dollar in 2021 was worth more than it is today as it had a higher buying power in the real world. Due to inflation and everything else combined the $1 is nowhere near the same today. This is why it is important to make your investments work for you so the ground being lost can be made up and put you ahead.

Back in August 2021 Hive was at 0.59c so $1000 would have bought you 1687 Hive which in todays value 18 months on is worth $756 or a loss of $244. This is of course if you are just holding like so many do and not doing anything with your investment.

we know by staking our Hive as Hive Power we can generate more Hive from the roughly 3% APR which would have earned another 75 Hive. The curation would have earned roughly another 216 Hive give or take so close to 300 Hive over that 18 month period. This would have bought your Hive Power total in the region of 2000 Hive Power with a value of around $900. This is taking into the account that the Hive price dropped 15c from 59c to 44c over that time frame.

Within the next 12 months this investment would be in the red and well on track to make a healthy profit with or without an upward price movement. How many investors sold their investments losing a small fortune along the way when they should have just kept on accumulating earning via the APR on offer.

Timing is everything in the crypto market as buying the top is not ideal and why dollar cost averaging into a project is far safer. If you bought at the top all is not lost as those tokens can still be earning for you whilst waiting to ride the Bear Market which in some ways has taught you all you need to know about crypto. Paying a small fee for gaining knowledge is money well spent as the next time you will do some homework first.

I don't get why the majority in crypto have lost money as this must all come down to ignorance. Select your investments wisely knowing what each project can offer you as an earning potential not only on price, but the ability to increase ones stake at the same time. There is so much potential in the crypto space to get ahead by letting your investment work for you and not necessarily trading as this way removes the risk.

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