Living Off Crypto


What we are seeing now is many earning a passive income from crypto which will change over the next 10 years from passive to a full proper livable income.

I think this would be the dream scenario for many of us in crypto, but for some reason I feel it will only be a small percentage. The problem is if you are thinking about it then you already need that income and when the ATH's appear whenever they do then the cashing out will happen. This is fine for now but what happens next is the biggest and most important decision of buying back in once the prices have dropped.

I can remember the chatter on the chain the last time around where may said they would cash out and buy back in never to be seen again. The temptation of having tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars appear magically in your wallet as liquid is not something I have been faced with. The big difference is I suppose that I don't necessarily need the money and can wait for the next cycle.

This is where the 10 x or 20 x or even 50 x is earned and what makes the possibility that one can live off crypto. If you cash out $1 million ad do not buy back in you have missed the boat on earning from that $1 million and turning that $1 million into $10 million or more the next time around which is only 4 years away.

Crypto is a process that does generate wealth over time and the longer you leave it growing the bigger the rewards will become. My long term goal has always been to be able to earn $10K monthly through my crypto portfolio and not necessarily have millions siting in some bank account. The ability to earn a monthly income is the real power of crypto and these numbers could be staggering with no upper limit.

We just need to wait for adoption for the prices to rise in order to see how much we have and what type of earning potential is on offer. Places like HIVE will suddenly become more popular for what they offer as the earning potential we have here is off the charts. The 20% offered on HBD alone would be enough to catch the eye of many let alone the idea one can make a decent return on holding stake as HIVE Power.

One of my other large staked cryptos earning daily is netting myself $4 daily in rewards which is not here not there when it comes to income generating. If we change the price however and increase the number of tokens earned daily then it becomes a different scenario and the potential to earn over $100 daily.

Within the next 10 years we shall see plenty of every day type people living off crypto because they have stuck to their long term goals and why it is clear you need a vision of what you want to achieve. I do see the $10k target being reached within the next 10 years and surpassing this number easily mainly down to the stake already generated which compounds daily.

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