Greasing Palms Makes Normal Business Very Tough

This week work wise was like the crypto markets with everything up in the air not quite knowing what to expect next. Quotes have all gone out to the various businesses I have been working on lately and the difference this time is I am certain of the homework I have done behind each company. This time they have reached out for my help and I need to fulfil my promises of finding sufficient savings.

Scary to think that a majority of the world is corrupt and untrustworthy.

Before the lock downs happened I was trying to sell the idea of savings and the buyers were not listening for some unknown reason. One thing I know is my figures and every company quoted over the last 2 years who hasn't changed is up to something. I am almost certain back handers were the reason and finding genuine honest people doing their work because they are paid a salary was never going to happen. The person I met last week proved to me honest people are out there and why his company is now picking up so much work. They were not happy with who they had supplying them as they had a suspicion they were being taken for a ride.

It kind of makes sense why many of the bigger companies have outsourced certain parts of their work as corruption is rife. The one company I quoted yesterday has over 30 different operations running the logistics and warehousing for many household brands. With the new pricing they can expect a 20% saving across the board which is huge once added up and is worth millions in savings over the year.

The main supplier we are all forced to use has increased raw material prices by 44% since March and this to me is criminal. What is very clear to all of us is they are intent on making back the losses from the lock downs and do not care about the industry. There is no justification for such steep increases and one would hope that using a decent business practice would make the profit. New taxation for imported raw materials is being forced through so they can continue with their evil plan and they will win if people continue to use them.

The local supplier who is the only supplier in South Africa mentioned there would be a price reduction at the end of the month, but who knows if they will have the stock to supply. We are making plans to cut them out altogether and stick with the taxed imported supply as we know it will at least be constant. A few percent savings supporting the local mafia/government is not something we intend to do and will see how we can negotiate moving forward. If they have such bad business practices they will at some stage let everyone down again and again.

Funny enough at one stage we had Lesotho which is a country within South Africa's border having different import rates than South Africa. A very convenient loop hole for many businesses and most likely done on purpose and not an oversight. Goods would drive straight in and out and all one needed was a Po Box and a shelf company to make this work. Corruption is everywhere unfortunately and what I find scary is according to the corruption world map thee are worse places than here.

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