Don't Upset Social Media


Damage control as the owner must be panicking slightly.

Social media is a powerful tool when used correctly helping a business grow if you know how to use it. In the same breath it can also be a powerful tool in destroying a business if you upset the wrong people. This is not the advertising you want as once this gains momentum there is no end in sight until the doors close. For many this is a game to see how much influence and damage they can inflict from sitting at home and why meddling with them is perilous.

Over the last 24 hours a French restaurant has learned the power of social media and why in many cases you keep your mouth shut. How ignorant to kick two Ukrainian women out of your restaurant why taunting the camera with Viva Putin remarks. This is what the owner did and will know suffer the wrath of those actions.

Any fool would know what would happen next as not any news is actually good news in this such case. Over 100 000 reviews within the last 24 hours mainly being negative is not the publicity a business needs. The armchair warriors are not to be trifled with as this can literally destroy a business overnight.


This figure we can expect to head towards zero by next week which is not good for business as it can take years to build a social presence and minutes to destroy what has been achieved. Anyone looking for a restaurant to visit normally does some type of search and seeing so many negative reviews will surely turn most people away. Not everyone will know what has been going on behind the scenes and not knowing that 99.9% of the reviews will be fake.

The best lesson to learn from this is that if you have a business in the public eye then you do not partake in politics and choose sides as this will only bite you.


Too little too late as he was visited by 2 Ukrainian men last night and he apologized for his actions calling Putin a douchebag which will now anger the Russians who were helping to hold his ratings up. Net week we shall see this restaurant close to having a zero rating and will have nothing to do about the food or service ,but more about the owner.

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