Climate Change All About Taxes


I don't think you have to be a genius to see that things are not adding up about reducing carbon footprints. Yesterday in the news we saw the Dutch Government are shutting down 3000 farms which is rather meaningless as this makes no sense at all.


Who is kidding who here as the Dutch removing 3000 farms is the opposite of the Chinese approach who are adding another 43 coal powered power stations. We all live on the same planet the last time I checked so why are there different rules being applied?

The West is all about reducing carbon emissions due to climate change which is all good for healthier living, but it seems in the bigger picture we are being sold a story. One and one is making three and not two as there is definitely manipulation and a another agenda on the table.


3000 farms out of a total of over 50 000 is only 6%, but what comes after that as this is only the start? Less food is produced and if you control the food and energy supply you are dictating the terms by how the population lives.

Wind and solar energy only accounts for a small portion of what the planet requires to exist. The joke in this whole thing is the electric vehicle as what goes into making them is far from green energy.

Over the last week I have been down so many rabbit holes researching carbon emissions due to contemplating adding more stake into VET. Vet is the VeChain and they have a VECarbon section which if this is forced ahead is going to rise in serious value. My thoughts are is that those behind the climate scam scares are going to get away with this and may as well benefit from what they are doing by upping my stake.


The population around the world is going to have many fights on their hands as firstly we had a manipulated man made virus which cause economic hardships which we lead into a recession. Job losses with businesses being forced to closed down and now the the next phase is to monitor the pollution levels. Finding new ways to create more tax payments from a smoke screen called climate change. All this will do is make things more expensive overall making the rich get richer and the poor even more poor that they are today. Throw in AI that will remove many jobs and you have a changed world with an elite class in charge.


China is not stopping for no one as they added another 14 coal power stations outside China last year alone. The plan is to add another 43 new ones before 2030 when they said they would start cutting back on coal usage. This is while the world is already closing plants looking for other energy sources. What makes no sense if China can double their current usage and then cut back from 2030 they actually haven't cut back even if they lost half their power plants. The idea of expanding rapidly and then looking like the good guy come 2030 and beyond has not reduced any emissions whatsoever. How stupid the West really is and they are allowing it to happen.

As we all know the News we see today does not show the "real" truth of what is happening around us and we need to be aware as these are the times that will manipulate the future and how we all live.

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