Burning Bridges And Live Bait

Time to land something substantial with the contacts I already have.

I have mentioned this before as a number of my contacts were retrenched over the lock down period. A bit of a bummer for them but none the less an opportunity for me as they will end up somewhere new. These I call my live fish or live bait and they should land a new account.

Not everyone you meet in the business world you will like but as long as they like you then you play the game and like them. Never burn your bridges as honestly people end up in the strangest places and it is like having a skeleton in your closet. Shut your mouth be nice and smile even if you can't stand them as an individual.

Luckily I don't have many of those people around me but we all know of someone that foots that bill. It costs you nothing to be nice and in the past it has bitten me in the backside so lesson learned and noted.

This week the live bait is on the move and one of them has landed two roles in two different companies owned by the same owner. A call from a previous company director who owns other companies and failed to mention this before. That is what you call a result and like landing two fish with one hook. Never had the pleasure of that before and he is working on landing another one which he will let me know next week. Both companies are about the same size of the account I lost during the lock down period so all smiles once again. I actually like this guy so it is a genuine win win and not being sarcastic about him.

I thought Monday meant all companies open up as it is now level 1 ,but still some are not seeing visitors or new people. A bit strange or overkill if you ask me and I am hoping by next week they will let us finally meet them. I know the person I am talking to is genuine and is not lying as he knows I know his boss and his boss knows I know the owner. Just playing by the rules on this one and don't want to upset anyone along the way. People are touchy with this sort of thing and resent people jumping over their heads. I suppose a week or two won't kill me, but it is super frustrating.

The other live bait on my radar hasn't started his new job yet and is waiting for the new month before he starts. His new job is a similar role to what he had and is also working for a director of his old company who sought him out of retrenchment. As you can see by not burning your bridges and keeping your nose clean it does pay off and he got lucky this time around. He advised me to give him a week or two to settle in and to check out the lie of the land before making a move.

The last live bait is still looking and hoping he gets something soon but the longer it takes him the harder it will be. Funny as the other two didn't even apply for positions as their phones rang with people looking for them. They must have done something right in their old companies and come highly sought after. Decent employees are hard to find so rather go with the devil you know than the one you don't know sometimes does help.

A good week then with more than I could have bargained for as I was literally hoping for one new account and not four. They haven't been landed yet though, but knowing someone inside normally guarantees it. I am hoping my lucky money magnet has now returned as it felt like someone had borrowed it a while back.

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