Mobile MiniGames: Play & Earn | Metaverse Expansion Initial Guide (+Feedback)

The new expansion for Mobile MiniGames was released last week introducing some new Play2earn aspects with the Crypto Land and the competitive PvP. This is an initial basic guide along with some feedback...

Initial Impression & Feedback

I went into this expansion with a general understanding of how everything would work in terms of having land and staking heroes to generate passive Crypton. Yet everything was (and kind of still is) extremely confusing and unintuitive. As a player, you really need to go out of your way to put a lot of time into reading guides or watching the stream/videos in order to get everything explained properly. This was also the case for the rest of the game before the expansion. While in a way it kind of makes it fun to discover, I can also see many casual players dropping out because of it. That being said, it all has grown on me a little bit already and the game itself is in a pretty good state despite the fact that they rushed it a bit not having all features available yet.


1. Email Community Challenges Spam: As someone who aims to grow a small community by putting up some daily and weekly challenges, my in-game email box is being spammed like crazy each time someone enters which stresses me out like crazy. There should be a function to just turn this off completely, I personally don't need any notification whatsoever of this.

2. Being part of your Own Community / Land Plot: As a community leader, I want to be part of my own community and have a plot on my own land which now is totally impossible and it sucks. The plot I got is somewhere else on the map and each time I do purchases, I need to swap communities having an arrangement with a friend to get some of the cashback as there is none when you just stay in your own. I get the idea that part of the passive Crypton generation and affiliate earnings need to go to other players, but this can easily be fixed by having them go to charity or be rewarded to other community members based on certain criteria.

3. Free2Play & Sustainable Economy: This is more of a prediction of what will happen since this has the main problem that needed solving for Splinterlands these past years. Right now, Mobile Minigames very easily allow players that only have the intention to extract value to do so without really putting investing much. This over time will create an army of players doing this putting a lot of pressure on the economy and frustrating the players that are spending more money. I get the idea of having it like this right now in order to get as many new players as possible, but eventually, things will have to become more restricted to what can be earned by players that only intend to extract value. I do like the idea of having verified accounts as part of a charity that are allowed to do this and get some revenue from the game.

Guides For The New Buildings...

1. WIN Billboard Building (Main Play2Earn Mechanics):
Next to the Campaign Building, there is a new billboard (which I don't think looks that nice visually) which pretty much summarizes all the different ways to earn and the values of all your in-game assets. What the way to earn from the game basically comes down to is that you invest money into the game by either buying deals or using PRPS/PRPS which allows you to passively generate Crypton over a longer time getting back what you invested and more. Especially if you play it efficiently focusing on sale points from low-value purchases or no investments you can get big returns while you won't get significant earnings still having a pretty fun mobile gaming experience.

Growing your account value over time along with your passive daily Crypton Earnings and doing that in the most efficient way is the Play2Earn aspect in the game and skill along with knowledge of the game certainly play a big role in this without the game ever requiring a crazy amount of time to play daily. 10-15 Minutes without having to think about it afterward is more than enough time to get the most out of it.

You can also see the total value of other players along with what their passive earnings are. I, after playing now since the start and spending somewhere around 2500€-3000€ on it over that time managed to have a 5.6 Million Crypton account value now earning 1426 Passive Crypton Each Day (not counting affiliate earnings or Community challenges expenses). I'm still learning and aim to get that up quite a bit with now only 12 of the 100 plots on my land being occupied.

2. Crypton Crystal Mine:
This is the easiest and most straightforward building once you understand it. Basically, players can sacrifice Crypton/DUBI/PRPS into this mine to generate a fixed amount of passive Crypton each day. It takes roughly 3 years of daily Crypton generation before you get back what you put in after which you really start to make a profit on it. Players can maximum get 90% of the generation, in that case, 5% goes to the community owner, and 5% goes to other community members based on the criteria that you can choose.

It is nice to be able to get a fixed amount each day that won't go down (unlike the passive Crypton generation by the spellbook) from sacrificing some to the mine. Since it's early as this feature is just released, it's also very low risk of collapsing and you should be near sure to get your money back and more over time. Eventually, though maybe 5 or 6 years from now, it is bound to fail.

I would say there are 2 types of players for who it's worth sacrificing funds in the mine. Community Leaders since one of the functions of the mine is to help them attract new members to their community. In return, they will get a small cut of what they are spending in-game progress. This is the main reason that I didn't hesitate to get the Mine in my community to Level 5 giving 30% of it to my community members. Right now with very soft requirements in a daily login and VIP Level 1. As more members join making the passive Crypton generation from it drop for all I will make the requirements a bit harder. Right now 33 are in my community on a daily basis each collecting I think around 9 Crypton passively. For Long-Term Players who believe that they will still be playing in the coming years, it might also be worth sacrificing to the mine as it will give daily funds to help export NFTs and ramp up overall earnings. Players that leave a community just take what they sacrificed along to their new community.

Many communities will likely try to lure in players by temporarily putting the settings to 90% of the passive earnings going to the community just to heavily reduce that over time after many players joined.

3. Competitive PvP Arena:

This is a new mode that was added allowing players to earn a bit in a competitive Player versus Player battle mode. How this works is that you play your best team for each faction and you are able to put them in an order you choose. When the battle starts, your first team will battle against the opponent their first team. The team that wins will have their heroes that are still on the battlefield with the health they have left go to the next fight against the 2nd team of the opponent. This is until a player has all their heroes killed at the end.

It is possible to see the team and the order that the opponent played in the previous match and alter your order based on it. You can anticipate your opponent to play in a certain order and play counter-faction teams or equip anti-streamers based on the ones they use most. In the Spellbook building, you can also set your abilities more based on damage done toward multiple heroes (which is more effective to battle a team) compared to damage to 1 opponent (which is more effective to bosses)

an entire season tends to last 14 days and it is very top-heavy on the rewards as a 14W-0L is needed in order to get a 500k Crypton Payout. Right now after 9 Battles, I am 6 wins and 3 losses. It doesn't seem like there are leagues based on overall power with different earnings making it so that there is not that big of a relation to actual spending in the game.

If anything, it does give a bit more incentive to progress and make your team stronger without it being an actual valid source of earnings.

4. Metaverse:
This by far is the most confusing and complicated part of the expansion. What it comes down to is that community leaders (or regular players) can buy land based on locations in the real world which each costs 1 Million Crypton and has 100 Plots on it.

Each player can occupy 1 plot of land which they can build stuff on using blocks that are earned in the game. (Since building is not connected to earning, I'm personally not that interested in it for now). Having a plot of land also generates some passive Crypton and it also allows for players to stake a Hero NFT on it which also generates passive Crypton.

In order to get yourself a plot of land, go to the metaverse building, click the bottom left button with the green map and red marker on it, and click the Browse button. If you search my name (Costanzabets) or Gent which is the piece of land that I bought, you should be able to claim yours. You can also always contact me so I can send an invite which you can view by pressing the post letter image below the hourglass. Aside from plots, you can also find NFT scholarships there.

Once you have a land and an NFT scholarship you will start earning based on the NFT, Level 1 - 1 star NFTs are the cheapest to export (8000 Crypton) and will generate the most passive Crypton in the first month based on 30 charges. In order to earn, both the land owner and the plot owner have to log into the game which will deplete 1 charge. The generation also starts at just 15% and ramps up to 100% after 7 days just as a mechanism of loyalty. Once all 30 charges are used, the Crypton generation goes down.

The way I understand it,
  • 89% of Crypton Generation goes to NFT Owner
  • 10% of Cryoton Generation goes to the player that occupies the Plot
  • 1% of Crypton Generation goes to the Land Owner

However, this can be Crypton regeneration power can be restored by merging 5 NFT heroes and leveling them up. This new higher-level hero will have more passive Crypton generation power. Each NFT that gets created, randomly gets a constellation and a number assigned to it and in order to merge without extra cost, these need to be similar. This is a mechanism that makes it so that players will have to buy & sell on the auction house finding the right heroes to merge. Trading requires a fee and all of those are added into the reward pool.

Summary How To Earn with NFT Heroes

  • Have a plot with a Hero NFT Scholarship on it and earn each day passively
  • Export Hero NFTs in the Blockchain Building and put them up as scholarships
  • Earn a good amount back the first 30 days
  • Combine 5 Heroes that used their Crypton Generation Charges to merge them which resets the charges with higher amounts
  • Put that up as a Scholarship for 30 days
  • Repete this process to get more back compared to what you put in over time.

All the exact numbers can be found in the support building under the metaverse tab where it is all explained

Exclusive Skins are supposed to have increased passive Crypton generation power which goes up to 100k Crypton over time as they become older. This is the reason why I have a ton of them stacked and for now, I am just holding onto them as each month this generation power goes up.

Pets, Hero, & Building Skins can also be exported and generate passive Crypton at a slower pace without the need to put them on a plot.

Land Owners, and NFT Owners take a small cut when the one that occupies the land or has the NFT scholarship does in-game purchases.


There is a lot to digest when it comes down to this new expansion but it for sure offers a lot more ways to earn. I will try to get a better grip on everything in the coming week and will continue to make content on the game. it remains fully Free2Play and anyone interested in trying Mobile MiniGames, I can still recommend it and by scanning the QR code you will automatically get inside my community where you can get a free plot of land to instantly start earning while I also put up daily challenges.

More Info & Guides For Mobile MiniGames (some things might be outdated already)

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