Mobile MiniGames | Ideas and Suggestions to Improve The Game

Mobile Minigames has been released for over a year now but it remains a work-in-progress title where a lot still has to be optimized and improved to really be a top-notch Play2Earn game with airtight tokenomics that work. Here are some ideas and suggestions on how to potentially improve things.

Play2Earn Dynamics

There are some dynamics that are totally different when it comes down to Play2Earn Games compared to more traditional games in my view.

  • An army of accounts will be ready to extract as much value as they can while putting in the absolute minimum or nothing at all.
    The entire game and economy needs to be almost airtight in this regard and this tends to be the story of multiple years with the games starting off way too generously to have nerf after nerf implemented to make it harder for players to extract value in order to hold up the economy. This has been the case for Splinterlands pretty much since the start and it kind of continues to be after they already made earning a lot harder and much more top-heavy so it are mainly the whales and accounts that put in a lot of funds who are getting most rewards. Mobile MiniGames in this regard still only feels like they are at the start with some nerfs like the sale points that came with the yearly golden boost subscription and the insanity boosts which both were clearly not realistic. The way I see it, the game is still way too Free2Play and needs to go in a more clear Pay2Win direction having earnings more directly related to players actually spending money.

  • Players don't care as much for Cosmetic Items in Play2Earn Games.
    Play2Earn games bring a totally different dynamic as the earnings, trying to optimize those for a large part become the real game. Players generally will go for Economic value over Cosmetic value when they are spending their money to the point where it's almost neglectable to have cosmetic items.

  • Players are willing to spend way more money in Play2Earn Games.
    Especially when the tokenomics somewhat make sense and they look sustainable for the mid-term, players are willing to really throw money at these games since they can justify the purchases since they are not by default a write-off like traditional games.

  • Last one to Hold the Bag
    In the end with Play2Earn games, what it always comes down to is the early and smart players getting paid by the late and dumb players before eventually things cool down and get in a downward spiral. This off course if the game takes off, otherwise the early players paid the price. This being said, good games can last quite a while and I certainly see Mobile MiniGames as one of those along with Splinterlands and Sorare

Game Ideas & Suggestions

1. Competitive PvP Leagues
I know the entire competitive PvP is being reworked right now as the first version was way too basic. From a Play2Earn point of view, it would be nice to have different leagues each with increasing prize pools and also requirements for players in order to be able to enter. Right now, there are just not enough incentives for players to reach higher VIP Levels. If these maybe along with total in-game assets held in an account were made into a requirement to enter it would give a good incentive for players to both do purchases and hold assets. At the same time, it would highly limit what Free2Play players are able to extract. Splinterlands implemented something Similar with Collection Power requiring players to own or rent enough cards before being able to compete in higher leagues.


LeagueVIP LevelRequired Account Crypton ValueBase Max Hero LevelsMax Prize Payouts
Bronze 3VIP 00 CryptonLevel 5100 Crypton
Bronze 2VIP 110000 CryptonLevel 6500 Crypton
Bronze 1VIP 250000 CryptonLevel 71000 Crypton
Silver 3VIP 3100000 CryptonLevel 75000 Crypton
Silver 2VIP 4250000 CryptonLevel 910000 Crypton
Silver 1VIP 5500000 CryptonLevel 1025000 Crypton
Gold 1VIP 610000000 CryptonLevel 11...
Gold 2VIP 7...Level 11...
Gold 3VIP 8...Level 11...
DiamondVIP 9-11...Max Level...
ChampionVIP 12-14...Max Level...

These are just basic numbers just to bring the idea across. The max base hero level is the maximum that would be allowed by all heroes with maybe a fixed amount of higher level heroes allowed to be played. This should make it more of a competitive skill game where you don't get drawn to someone who is just way stronger and unbeatable. Maybe players also have to climb leagues based on results being allowed to go higher in case they have at least x amount of wins.

2. Exclusive Hero Skin increasing Power Bonus Percentage

Right now there are just not enough reasons for players to actually buy exclusive skins despite the fact that they generate more passive Crypton. There should be a system in place where every serious player actually wants and needs these skins on their 36 main heroes in the game. A way this could be done is by giving heroes that have an exclusive skin equipped (or owned in the account with the base skin equipped) a power boost increase that goes up a bit each time a new hero skin is released to a point in time where it reaches a maximum %. This makes the older skins more valuable and desirable while there are also reasons for players to buy these both to use them now or to possibly sell them for some profit later down the line.

Right now the number of sales on these is going down drastically with only 650 of the latest Legendary Skin being bought. Just a +0.1% power boost every week up to maybe +20% or so would give a nice edge that players might be more willing to pay for aside from the cosmetics or the passive crypton generation. It would have to be made very clear in the game that these hero skins give this power increase.

3. Soulbound Unique Pet Skins that can't be sold

One of the issues right now is that it is rather easy to farm pet skins and dump them in the Auction House, especially when doing this with a ton of accounts. This just creates a ton of selling pressure which makes these pets rather worthless going at dumping prices. If unique Pets that are earned from the game become Soulbound meaning that they can't ever be sold on ther market while only duplicate skins and skins that were bought in the auction house are freely tradable, it would create a massive supply shock making them actually worth a lot more. All the players that aim to just extract value are largely prevented from doing so if this was in place while players that do aim to grow their account with no intention to sell unique pets are not affected by this rule.

4. Make DUBI the Main Purchase Discount Token

I already wrote about this in my post breaking down why the game economy is collapsing (Link). It just shouldn't be that PRPS is avertised in the game as 1 PRPS = 10$ while in reality it is trading at 1.35$ on a tiny liquidity pool. Right now both PRPS and DUBI can be used in the web store at a value of 13$ for PRPS and 26$ for DUBI. The fact that PRPS gets burned is nice long-term but doesn't really help short term as extra dubi is created just because it's also possible to use locked PRPS. The main setup remains that PRPS is the main 'governance' token indirectly respresenting a part of the company having a price that is based on supply & demand with a maximum at around where the sell-wall used to be set. DUBI is the 'dividend' token which is supposed to have a buy-wall giving the returns to investors. Right now 90%+ of crypto purchases are done with PRPS which doesn't help that much short term.

I think it would be a good thing is all focus was put on DUBI as the discount purhcase token giving that as much demand as possible now. Just temporary remove the option to use PRPS as a discount token so everyone needs to use DUBI which should increase the demand drastically giving people that invest in PRPS better returns and actually the ability to sell. Also just remove the PRPS price from the game or make clear how much DUBI locking PRPS for a year gives.

Another thing that can be done if this is not an option is to allow Crypton to be used directly in the game to buy in-game deals. That would at least give players a sense that PRPS is worth that value.

5. Getting Crypto Play2Earn Space Exposure
Mobile MiniGames has been out for over a year as one of the most enjoyable gaming experiences in the Play2Earn space, yet almost nobody who is active in the space knows about it as the only real marketing strategy is to run advertisements. I'm quite sure if some of the Play2Earn influencers would get to the point where they give the game a fair chance, they would love it and be willing to bring their community in to build their account. I guess something the MoMi comminity can CoS Pro discord could do is to raid some of these content creators with the aim to have them properly try the game. the problem however remains that the broken tokenomics at the moment make this really hard.

Mobile MiniGames is listed on Dappradar and there must be a way to get it higher into the ranking somehow.


I still see a lot of potential in Mobile MiniGames as a Play2Earn Game even though it are tough times right now during the crypto bear market. I hope some of these ideas help or get picked up in one way or another while the game continues to be developed and improved. In the meantime, I will continue to play and grow my accout in anticipation for the game eventually getting some real adoption.

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