Clash Of Streamers | News & Progress Report December 2021

Clash Of Streamers is the Mobile Blockchain NFT Game that I am betting on to see a similar growth patters to Splinterlands getting in really early to potentially benefit like crazy down the line. This is my 2nd post in this series of monthly posts with some news while tracking the personal progress I'm making in the game.

Clash Of Streamers Development News

Right now, there is news on the development pretty much every day on the Athenelive Twitch channel around 19:00 (Belgian Time). I tend to put it on in the background just to keep up to date with everything. Development is going at a rapid pace, these are some of the bigger things that happened and were implemented last month...

1. Short-Term Play2Earn Mechanics
This probably was the biggest news for those who are looking to earn from the game and have their assets be worth something without reaching the en-game of exporting max-level heroes & pets to the blockchain. They introduced GUBI (Gamified Universal Basic Income)

Crypton which is the most important currency in the game used in the auction house to trade things while it's also needed to export heroes (the game covers the gas fees) can now be donated to charity. In return, players will get an equal amount of GUBI which is trading on Pancakeswap (See BSC Smart Contract). They guarantee a price of at least 1$ for 1000 GUBI (now it's trading at 1.54$). GUBI is also going to be accepted as payments for in-game deals on the G4G Store ( but that has yet to be implemented.

What this system does is allow give in-game assets like hero & pet skins real value as they can be sold and liquidated for real money for those who want to get out of the game before they reached the point where they are able to export. It is also a sustainable system as all the Crypton in circulation actually comes from sales and none of it is created out of thin air (like SLP & DEC ins Axie/Splinterlands). Free2Play players also are able to earn Crypton as it can be used by paying players to make a lot of progress by burning it into the spellbook or buying pets & heroes in the auction house.

2. Weekly Exclusive Hero or Pet Skins
They started to implement a new kind of revenue model introducing a weekly sale of exclusive Hero or Pet Skins that will never ever return after that week.

I wrote about them 2 weeks ago (link) and how I am stacking them now early using sale points. These skins eventually going to be really rare as the game right now only has a small loyal player base and each account can only buy 6 of them.

Right now the 6 Furamingo pets I managed to buy for 60$ (not even using sale points) now each go for at least 26000 Crypton in the Auction House and i'm quite sure they will continue to go up by a lot as all these exclusive skins will play a bigger role in the game in future updates and they are going to be needed to unlock achievements. So the 60$ I paid now is worth 156000 + DUBI which when I would sell them for that (which I won't) I can swap for 156000 GUBI which can be traded for 240$. I think they likely will each be worth at least 500$ over time easily.

I will continue buying these exclusive skins until more people catch on to them making the newer ones less and less rare over time.

3. Exported Hero & Pet Burn Mechanics & Values
So Max-Level Heroes and Pets that when exported will get a burn value attached to them in PRPS (again not created out of thin air but backed by the team who paid for them). The way the burning will work is that the burn value will depend on the season. The pets & heroes exported in early seasons when there were less of them will get higher value compared to later seasons when naturally more players will reach this stage). There will be a crazy incentive for players not to burn but to hold on to them as the first to burn gets the least and the last to burn gets way more PRPS burn value. Basically, nobody is going to want to burn because of greed mechanics and there always should be someone who is willing to pay a bit more than the current burn value on the secondary market.

This is a preview of what the site where heroes & pets can be burned will look like:

They are still doing all the numbers on the value they will put onto the NFTs but I'm quite sure it will get some good attention in the Crypto & Play2Earn space giving the game much more exposure. (Actually, the numbers are set to be revealed in the stream tonight)

4. Sale Numbers
They made optimizations to the tutorial making sure players from the start understand that they can earn money with the game. Sales are also increasing day by day as more players get into the game and some of the smarter ones are using the GUBI system to recycle earnings on multiple accounts.

Right now, they are making around 9000€ a day still with a very limited player-base just counting the earnings one Android & IOS. They came down to a point where spending 3.49$ (now they even got it lower) was needed in order to get a paying player that downloaded the game from an advertisement.

5. Advertisement Campains
They are also testing different advertisement campaigns from which the ones on Facebook by far scoring the bets

This is one of the ads they ran on Instagram I think.

this triggered some Axie Players who started tweeting about it (see Tweet) giving the game more exposure.

6. Philippines Adoption & Top Grossing Charts Climb
There seems to be some good adoption in the Philippines who love Play2Earn and the game managed to climb in the top-grossing rankings now being just below Genshin Impact, Pokemon Go, & Roblox all while things yet have to get started.

There are also some communities forming and more youtube channels that extensively cover the game.

7. Contacted by Big Chinese Publisher
They also got contacted by a Chinese distributor to possibly get published over there most likely since they noticed the numbers. They are in a good spot since they are fully funded so they replied that they will wait out the offers before making a deal with someone to get the game on the Chinese market which will be quite big for them as it's not an easy market to enter.

8. Downtime on IOS
There was a bug on IOS which made it impossible for many to get into their account including myself which was quite frustrating (as the game is quite addictive).

Things have been fixed by now and everything is running properly again. I didn't lose any of my progress though.

PRPS & DUBI Update

There was an announcement that they will buy up all the PRPS up to a price of 10$ on the last day of the year so both the PRPS Sell-Wall and DUBI Buy-Wall will be set at 10$. This is because they need the PRPS in order to guarantee the burn values.

  • PRPS Level 194: 6.35$ (Dubiex) [Last Month 6.32$]
  • DUBI Price: 9.53$ (Uniswap [Last Month 8.61$]

The great thing about PRPS & DUBI is that they are designed in a way where they only go up in value. So no pump & dump situations or a risk of everything collapsing from one day to another. While the minimum price of DUBI will be guaranteed at the current level price, PRPS is not and the sell-wall needs to be undercut a little. DUBI can be minted by locking PRPS

Personal Clash Of Streamers Game progress

I continue to play Clash Of Streamers daily at least for 15 minutes still very much enjoying the game.

ProgressNovember 2011December 2021
Account Level4260
Account Power42M60M
Account Trust53M79M
VIP Level44
Strongest Heroes2x L11 & 4x L103x L11 & 7x L10
Strongest Pets2x Max Level3x Max Level
Gems Balance907M969M
Spellbook Heroes3000%4500%
Spellbook Pets2700%5200%
Campaign ProgressPrestige 31-559Prestige 39-717
Total Money Invested60.37€235.27€
Total Account ValueNot Available800€+

I did increase my spending a bit since I'm quite confident that I will get a lot more back from it over time. Mainly getting the yearly Golden Boost Subscription that cost 69.99€ will give me a ton of Sale Points for an entire year (this deal will get nerfed if it is not already because it gives way too much) and the 59.99€ on the Exclusive pets were my most expensive purchases. I do have nearly half of the Spellbook completed which is currently giving me daily Passive Crypton around 0.30$-0.40$ worth and if I would sell all the pets and hero skins I managed to accumulate on the auction house I would easily get around 1000$ out of all of it not counting the actual heroes & pets that I will eventually be able to export.

For those that are new to this game who want more info, also check:

Previous News & Progress Report Posts
November 2021

I'm pretty happy with how things are going right now being an early adopter of Clash Of Streamers and I plan to increase my content around the game bringing more guides and incentives in terms of a sign-up deal for those that join my community. Things are slowly but surely taking off and it's really nice to see the update last month with the GUBI implementations allowing the in-game assets to actually be directly worth something. For those that are interested, I can highly recommend at least trying it out as the early stages are always the juiciest in these games.

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