Hive is the 3.0 evolution of Reddit

Reddit has been a social network that has been present for many years and today has millions of subscribers on the platform who interact with each other and organize real thematic communities that group tens of thousands of users. We recently read the action of WallStreeBets, a large group of small investors who have put Marvel Capital, a Wall Street Hedge Found that almost capitulated on Gamestop shares, in big trouble.


Honestly, I have never been a member of the community and I have recently tried to observe it more carefully. The first impression I got is the chaos in finding the issues and following the discussion of the topics. But the underlying problem is the centralization of the platform, i.e. governance is in the hands of the founders who, although they can confirm total impartiality, will never be able to guarantee it, as there are other facts that could affect its regular function.

Why is Hive the natural evolution of Reddit?

What differs between the two blogging platforms is governance and blockchain. Hive does not have a founding group that holds the keys to the platform, no one can intervene to delete, modify any type of content or ban a user. Who is in possession of the keys to the platform is the community itself. Furthermore, while Reddit data is recorded on a server that can be shut down and manipulated at any time, the data in HIVE is scattered across tens of thousands of computers around the world, this is the effectiveness of the blockchain. Each piece of data is shared among users and the more numerous the community, the greater the decentralization of the information present on the platform.

Reddit can compete with Hive about this. Reddit is also a blog. Stop. Hive is a decentralized ecosystem of which the blog is only a part: decentralized applications, NFT marketplaces, microblogging, smart contracts. Do you have any idea how big Hive is? For this I affirm with certainty that Hive is a great evolution not only of Reddit but of any other social platform.

To all this we add an inventive system such as HIVE coin that has no transaction costs, quick and fast while Reddit at the moment relies on a tokenization system that is based on the Ethereum blockchain, therefore slow and expensive.

What is the future of HIVE?

Hive has unlimited potential to date. There is not a single function at the moment that it cannot guarantee in the future. This malleability to future needs is an incredible and exceptional feature in my opinion and represents the difference with all the other existing blockchains. HIVE is therefore unique and with the progress of blockchain development and the many projects that are in the pipeline, I expect it to easily reach the top 10 in the next 2/3 years. A result that is achievable thanks to the spirit of unity that accrues our community and to the many developers who decide to invest their time and money on Hive.

Hive is not a blog. Hive is an ecosystem!

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