The crypto market remains stable before a possible breakout.

Greetings to all readers of this great platform, especially to those who make life within the great community of #LeoFinance, in the present opportunity I want to share information about the crypto market, which has entered a zone of tranquility or stability at the present times, but this can be considered as a somewhat good sign for the market, as we may be very close to a breakout of resistance.

Screenshot taken at: PixaBay

The crypto market long months ago entered an area that can be considered as the sideways channel or accumulation channel, a place in which the market makes a series of movements within a range, while accumulating investment to be able to continue or start its bullish run, and this is what is known as sideways or accumulation channel, keeping this in mind we see a Bitcoin that has had approximately 9 months in that accumulation range.

Taking into consideration the relevant movements it has made we can say that it is very close to bringing this channel to an end, usually it is considered a series of 5 movements in which it touches 2 times the bottom of the channel, which was at 26k and 2 times the top by the 33k zone which it surpassed and in this its 5th movement it should already break strongly to confirm the change of trend.

The stability of the market today really points to that direction, everything makes us think that we are facing the moment when the market can make the break of the current resistance and go in search of overcoming the 40k and with it the confirmation of trend, all guided by the BTC being who guides this crypto market, and leads the direction of the rest of the market currencies.

The reality is that we are one step away from observing this, and it is very possible that this week it could happen or in about 15 days at the latest, if this happens we expect a very but very good year 2024, being the whole year of bull market and managing to seize the moment for those who believe, trust and continue to be part of this economic model that can generate so many benefits.

All the images used by the Author @Chucho27 are Public Domain, in each one of them you can find the source of the image.

The image used in the banner at the bottom is by the author @chucho27, made using the Canva application.

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