Getting to know a little more about the TronLink wallet.

Greetings to all readers of this great platform, this time I want to share with you information about the TronLink wallet, about its operation to have more knowledge about the management of it, this in order to make it easier for us to use this wallet, for future projects that we need the use of this wallet.

The image used is the author's own @chucho27 using the Canva application and Bitmoji.

First of all when opening the TronLink wallet, we can observe in the superior part of the same one information of interest, as it is the address of our wallet, to know in which of them we are connected and we can copy the same one to receive deposits, also we get something called energy that is the capacity to make transfers (these must be acquired) and the bandwidth that in the same way is consumed to make transfers.

Screenshot of my TronLink Wallet

Among the options that we can get is the option to send, it allows us to send our resources to other recipients of the TronLink wallet, there we enter the address as well as the token that we are going to send and a description of the transfer, remembering that this consumes bandwidth.

Screenshot of my TronLink Wallet

The second option shown in the wallet is to receive, this shows the deposit address of our wallet, in addition to the QR code where you can scan the address of the same.

Screenshot of my TronLink Wallet

The third option in the one that says "Vote" does not send to the following page in this address several functions are carried out that will be explained in detail in another article referred to the subject in question, the option of Stake also will send us to that address in which multiple tasks are carried out. The fifth option referred to Swap, will send us to the following address where it allows us to adhere liquidity on the platform, this being a process where we can acquire resources through the money added to liquidity process, with the tokens that are available on the platform.

Screenshot of my TronLink Wallet

This is generally each of the functions that are presented in the TronLink wallet, where we note that there are multiple functions, being a great wallet that gives us a large field of investments and many more things for the projects we wish to undertake.

All the images used by the Author @Chucho27 are Public Domain, in each one of them you can find the source of the image.

The image used in the banner at the bottom is by the author @chucho27, made using the Canva application.

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