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Accumulate when the attention is elsewhere


What a great time to get back into Leo, sure it was hyped up and everyone and their mother was all into Leofinance, nowadays the talk is about Splinterlands here on hive, Lets dive into Leo and get back into the groove of things right now LEO to hive ratio is nice, considering the price of Leo is sitting at $0.209

While Hive is sitting at a nice thicc.. $0.813

That is a nice ratio to be honest, its back to where it started before it rocketed to 1 hive a pop.

Lets move along, and decide to set up a goal of 10,000 LEO staked. at current value that is about $2000 USD

not bad not bad at all

Pulling up some graphs from Leodex lets us see how LEO is doing in terms of sell/buy walls.

I wanted to see how much Hive I would need to get that LEO and if it would move the price a bit.. which of course it will, since there is no liquidity for me to get 10,000 LEO without paying a premium. Who likes to pay more though?

If I go check out Tribaldex and see the pool stats, I think I can make it happen, might still pay a bit more but better than on the market. Yes Hive has Defi Pools and we call them diesel pools, or at least the creators of it. By looking at the available liquidity on the pools.

Setting my price impact to 0.5% it minimizes loss, my goal say for end of October is to hit 10,000 Staked and I would need about 2923 Hive to accomplish this, with Hive being super hive by our standards, still to get 10,000 Leo wont be cheap.

Couple months back I wrote a piece on Leo when I was saying Leo under 1.50 is a steal.. I still hold that to be true at least for me.

I stand with Leo

Listen if you’re not buying Leo at these prices what are you buying? Leo under $1.50 is practically free I think at this point with the Leo bridge and cub finance and so much more things happening in and around just the Leofinance ecosystem makes you wonder what the real price of Leo could be.

Now maybe I was a bit too ambitious to say it is practically free, which of course that is not so.. What I do still stand by is LEOfinance is not done and will surprise us yet again.

Accumulate when the attention is elsewhere