I stand with Leo


I went through the new Leo finance post I enjoyed every bit of it Khal Knows exactly what to say and how to say it for all of us to turn crazy I would say.

Listen if you’re not buying Leo at these prices what are you buying? Leo under $1.50 is practically free I think at this point with the Leo bridge and cub finance and so much more things happening in and around just the Leofinance ecosystem makes you wonder what the real price of Leo could be.

But this post is just me talking about Leo sure Cubdefi is attached to it but if you just look at the development of Leo for the past two years to now I think the last six months we were put into a time capsule and just go boom, Magic Internet money printing us money on the daily.

I think though it is a cult following, we are all promised development… We were all promised continuous growth… But we were never promised a price for Leo no one ever told us to invest in Leo and you will be rich, you would be rich as Scrooge McDuck.

That was not the case though what I think we all see is probably not the sweat and tears with the continuous, Transparency and the continuance of updates from the Leo team and the progress we have seen with these updates, I think is why we truly believe in what this man Khal and his team Have been building for two years and will continue to build this will allow for us to get filthy rich.

So I just said again how come you’re not buying Leo at these prices I still don’t understand the people that her son Leo but I do understand that it’s OK to take profits I’ve heard about this yesterday if you got bills to pay if you got real-life situations to pay to go ahead and take care of that but it said your son just to sell I don’t know what’s going on but if you’re able to continue stacking your Leo bags I’m not gonna promise you it’s going to be a good decision but I am going to promise you I’m gonna show my bags.


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