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How to use/spend your Rapids (RPD)

Rapids Network

Hello to all. New Rapids Network users, or those we have been able to count on for several months now

The whole team would like to thank you for joining us, but also for all the support you bring us.

As you may have noticed, there is no shortage of ways to earn Rapids (RPD):

  • Support us on social networks
  • Participate in our regular games
  • Ask relevant questions at our AMA
  • Participate in community life on the Telegram TipBot
  • ETC ..

I think you've all noticed it too, the $RPD you earn go straight to your temporary Wallet on Telegram.

But then what do you do with all those $RPD you store?

Well, a lot!

So the first one is to transfer your Rapids (RPD) Balance present on Telegram directly to your Rapids Mobile Wallet (which you can download on your Android or iOS store, the Desktop version is also available on this link)

Rapids Network

But then what can you do with it? It's a question that comes up often, well, it may surprise you, but you have a wide range of possibilities, from Gambling, passing by Staking, but also the purchase of merchandise, the purchase of Masternodes, or buying Gift Vouchers on PolisPay is also a great way to Gift people for the Holidays - or for Christmas

The main goal of Rapids Network is to share your Cryptocurrency, so you as the owner of this one, you can share it with your friends, your family, tip your favourite streamers, or say thank you with a tip online to a educator or performer, directly through Telegram, but also by using a LinkShare (available only via the Rapids Mobile Wallet), which allows the recipient to receive his gift (in RPD) without even owning his Rapids Mobile Wallet, the LinkShare link he will have clicked on will allow him to download his personal Wallet.

For the lucky ones, you can join CasinoGate, which allows you to play with your RPD at Baccarat, Blackjack, European Roulette, Poker, but also at the Wild Rapids, our 100% color and patterned slot.

For those who want to see further in time, and let their Rapids (RPD) fructify, we offer you the possibility to join Staking platforms, and thus earn a passive income on your assets.

For those who have more funds, and can acquire a Masternode (10 000 000 RPD), you can host it on Rapids.Host, which is currently the cheapest Masternode Hosting platform on the market, with only 0.99€ monthly subscription, but other platforms can also host your RPD Masternode: 4Stake, SetupMasternodes, StakeCube, ZCore, NodeHub, FlitsNode, StackOfStake, Evonodes, ClickNode ...

The advantage of Staking (as opposed to Masternode Hosting) is that you can Stack few Rapids (RPD), starting from a few thousand, for the majority of Staking Platforms, and especially the top in this mechanism is Compound Interest, as Albert Einstein said "Compound Interest is the 8th Wonder of the World".

How does this benefit you? Well, take a normal banking system, you have a fixed interest, and every month, or every year, you earn almost the same amount of interest. Compound interest works a little differently, it's not every month, or every year that you earn interest, but every day! and the next day you'll earn even more, because it's added to your Balance, and it's that Balance that's subject to interest. So in conclusion, the longer you Stake your RPD on a Staking platform, the more you will earn. Using this way of earning RPD is for people who want to look at the long term, that's where the usefulness of Compound Interest lies.

Your Rapids (RPD) can also be spent with our partners: Advanced, Whopper

Christmas is coming up, and we don't always know what to give as gifts (I'm speaking for adults), so why not introduce them to Cryptocurrency? Especially Rapids (RPD), because with our Whopper Partner, you can buy Cold Storage Solutions (Storage of your Assets Offline) in the colors of Rapids, which you can supply with Rapids (RPD) and then give it to a friend or a parent. Isn't that an original gift? At least you'll be sure to get that person interested, you'll be giving them "money" and you've provided them with one of the best Crypto Storage systems.

There is yet another way to use your Rapids (RPD) wisely, the Cold Staking, but instead of a long speech, I let you discover all the details in this video

As you can see, earning Rapids (RPD) by supporting Rapids Network is easy, and earning even more, or using them as you see fit, is just as easy. Just don't let them sleep on Telegram or in your Rapids Mobile Wallet, sleeping money's no good to anyone, so why not share it, offer it, or even make it work for you?

If you would like to know more, or if you have any questions, we are at your disposal on Telegram to answer all your questions.

Any investment in Cryptocurrencies involves risk, invest only what you can afford to lose.

See you soon

Rapids Network

I'm currently under contract with Rapids Network, which gives me the right to publish, republish, on their behalf, articles first published on Rapids Network/Medium.

If you have any questions, or if you believe that there is copyright infringement, please contact Rapids directly at

Thank you all for your continued support to the network.

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