Web3 versus Social media Apps : Hive Creating a Difference


Trying to create a difference and bringing information and data to the next level,here comes the web3. Normal with humans is the fact that as some point in life,there is need to evolve or change from a different perspective of life view to probably a new promising one geared with the interest at heart as to tackle and bring about a finish business of what the future holds.

The quest for human growth and advancement didn't just start today,it has been from time immemorial. A particular phase of life having its own challenges and short comings and in an attempt to fix the previous loopholes and the present loopholes that are bound to come,then there is need for change. This need for changed necessitated the unveiling of a different scope and view of belief on the various webs.

The Outlook of Social Media World (web:2)

The web:2 which encircles the social medial apps if it is categorized has been of a great impact with great features of belief on it. Unlike web:1 that was more or like one way traffic on which one can browse to get (consume)information and there ends the matter,web:2 came with an upgraded version that allows users to create contents,gets feedback from the already generated content,have their business taken to the next height of make up proofs and advertisement, and many more important views one can comprehend. But in all these,it was centralized.

Web 3 Get through where Hive Blockchain comes into play

Web 2.0 has been controlled by centralized social networks, whereas Web 3.0 will be driven by completely decentralized networks that are community-owned. Users will consequently have a stake in the networks' value production and be able to influence their governance and management as well as be part-owners and co-owners of the networks. It represents a fundamental transition from Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 architectures, which put the power back in the consumers' hands by handing it from corporations to them.In actuality, this implies that a content producer on a decentralized Facebook or YouTube equivalent might keep more control over their online persona while simultaneously getting compensated for their engagement and value creation on the network.Users interact with one another on a peer-to-peer blockchain-based social network in Web 3.0. A Web 3.0 wallet, which functions as a kind of digital user profile for all decentralized networks, is employed for this.

More to hive as we expect and see through.

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