Stepping Into a Better Tomorrow Through vexPolyCUB ; A project with a Great Yield


A wise saying "as you make your bed,so you lie on it". This coming from a preparation aspect, then for one to lie on a comfortable bed,it must have been that it has been properly made and arranged. To enter into tomorrow, you must and need to be on today, use today to prepare for the tomorrow. It doesn't necessarily mean that the today is well or properly planned or enjoyed,but because today is a preparatory day,many irregularities might be found,it's the tomorrow that really counts.

Having the admins,curators and we the members in this great community has always been a thing of joy, a good morning to us all in this great circumference that birth realities. It's your friend @chizobe once more.

At the very beginning,it's a hard and unimaginable way to go but as time goes by and looking back at the distance covered and things achieved then it comes to play of the right decisions taken that made ones steps and then it won't be addressed as stepping into rather it would be addressed as entering into a better tomorrow.

The hive Blockchain at large and more specifically the leofinance community provides with us great opportunities with great benefits that anyone can enjoin and make a meaning out of it, for example the emergence of vexPolyCUB. It is the most talked about and we'll examined project which was lunched of recent but still making great waves.

The process of stepping and coming Closer :

This whole process starts with the vision being birthed in the mind first and then been manifested and showcased by taking the right step to ensure its success. The while process starts with understanding what one is going into(vexPolyCUB) then buying into the idea,and finally putting work through.

vexPolyCUB being one of the portfolios on polyCUB has to do with firstly, buying of polyCUB,staking the polyCUB which called xpolyCUB and finally locking the staked polyCUB to be vexPolyCUB. The duration of lock is 2years, a whole lot of time but still deserves it in that the turnout us massive and worthy to be embraced. Already been told that nearly 50percent of xpolyCUB is been locked then everyone is now left to struggle to fit into the remaining percent.

Embedded in this project (vexPolyCUB) is an avenue for ones better tomorrow to be created, though the very beginning might be hard and one struggling but the end will justify the means as nothing good comes easy, prepare for the great future today and let's all smile by the time the tomorrow comes.

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