XCHAOS - Explainer for Where We Are Now (with Video!



We've had several questions about the current state of affairs, so I made this requested video going over how it all works.

Before General Sale (where we are now)

Before General Sale

Right now people are buying XCHAOS tokens for HIVE/SWAP.HIVE/USDC on tribaldex or leodex.com or through Bulk Sales

We will then be depositing funds to Splinterlands to get our reserved allocation from Splintelands.

Jan 17

Jan 17

Per the latest post from Splinterlands, general sale starts on Jan 17. Presumably that is the date we will get our Chaos Legion packs in-game.

Then we will tokenize those packs onto the hive-engine layer and distribute them to XCHAOS holders.

Card Drops

Card Drops

Over time we will be receiving 11 card drops from Splinterlands. Those cards will be sold on the market for DEC and the DEC will be distributed as a daily average to all XCHAOS holders.

Why a daily average? Because the sales will happen over time so we prefer having a somewhat steady amount every day instead of large amounts on unknown days and then nothing on others. That would lead to many complaints and questions if we had ghosted or something.

Ongoing Operations

Ongoing Operations

Additionally, that DEC wallet balance and whatever card drops we have not sold on any particular day will generate SPS drops. Those SPS will be sold for DEC, and that DEC will be added to the daily average DEC payouts.

Note: Because we cannot distibute the 5% bonus potions rebates have already begun as described in the Bonus Potions Value post.

Still have questions?

Join the dec101 discord #xchaos channel at https://discord.gg/2fc2MS46DS

To check current pricing and buy now. Also available on leodex.com

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