Persona Building: Who Is The Most Important Person on Hive? (Me)

image credit Seamus Wray

Boy, this might get interesting but I'm here to say that I am the most important person on hive and I've known it for the past 5 years.

Now, when building Personas, or ideal customer profiles, the "me" being the most important person on hive projects is to mean people just like me.

Further, people just like me means what they do, and how they behave in the hive ecosystem specifically. And my theory is that hive cannot thrive without "Me".

I met quite a few other me's on steem but most, if not, all dropped off. They may still exist but not in my followers list or whom I follow anymore.

I see a lot of me's get started on hive with a ton of excitement but most fall away.

So who am I? I am the average Joe. The poor person who allows the rich to be rich by supporting their ecosystem. I am the guy who is fighting to get into the middle class where I can buffer the rich guy's hive from collapse.

I am the dumbist guy in the room, but not for long. I am the follower not the leader who chooses his leaders wisely.

I'm the guy that tries everything on hive with a penny and then gets hooked. I'm the guy who in August of 2022 has spent $44 in USD to buy splinterlands cards.

I am the guy that has $1 in a liquidity pool because it makes no sense but it will in a year. Maybe two.

I am the guy that spent $1,000 on Leo and then On Cub and learned a little before Poly. I'm that guy!!!

And without me hive cannot thrive. Sure there is development and hive is the greatest blockchain in the world. In fact, most new projects I read about in the blockchain world are trying to solve problems that Hive already solves.

Nobody really knows about hive because it's actually decentralized and nobody is in charge enough to market it. There is no phone number or office. There is nobody to cut a deal to rek us all.

The key to keeping whales, making new ones, making Dolphins and the like is finding guys like me. The whales cannot support the entire ecosystem. They are there to distribute the rewards and guys like me need to take those rewards build and redistribute.

It is up to me to make this whole thing work and I'm up for the challenge. The ideal "me" is a person who knows a little about crypto, has $20 to invest every few months and will grind. I've been on chain for 5 years and I will be in 5 more. I'm not going anywhere.

Imagine if we make 100 more me's? Then 1000 and then a million. 1 million me's on hive is so few that it's a joke. So if we a million me's on Hive that curate every day, post a couple of times a week and plays rising star and splinterlands each day can we all live our crypto dreams? I think so

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