How Many Cryptocurrencies Will exist In The Next 10 Years ??

Everyday you check coinmarketcap, you see new tokens getting listed on coinmarketcap everyday. Everyone wants to have their own crypto, everyone wants to be the next big thing, but how many of them will stand the test of time? Lots of cryptocurrencies that were created in the past 7 years failed, some these coins were among the top 10 but how many of them are still alive? Instead we keep seeing new projects come and stay at the top. Bitcoin and Ethereum have actually tried to stay on the top. There are over ten thousand cryptocurrencies in the world, how many are we still going to see here in the crypto space?

Now lets have this in mid that sometimes position classifications dont matter, because its a very competitive space, a project with $200 Million market capitalisation could be on the top 10 list 7 years ago because there was not enough competition and liquidity in the market. But a project with that Market Capitalisation today is struggling to hold a top 200 position because more projects with higher market capitalisation is coming to stay on the top. The crypto market capitalisation is just slightly above $1 Trillion today. More projects are being created and more liquidity is being pumped into the crypto space, so there are speculations that the entire crypto market capitalisation could be up to $57 Trillion in 2025.

Do you know how much in technology and liquidity volume the crypto space would be by then? Though this is just speculation and I feel it is too soon for that, just may be we might see such liquidity and market capitalisation in the next 10 years, in 2033, but how many current crypto project will still be standing by then. I know lots of underrated projects that will suddenly become discovered and turn out to become more valued than they currently are because of how good their technology and utility are.utilities is the best formula to keep a project running and remain relevant some have it and some dont. Time will tell.

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